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The Role of the Secretary General

Serving as the representative of the world largest evangelical body, the Secretary General of the World Evangelical Alliance speaks to governments and media on behalf the WEA’s constituency of more than 600 million evangelicals.

Archbishop Prof. Dr. theol. Dr. phil. Thomas Schirrmacher, PhD, DD, (born 1960) is since 2021 Secretary General of the World Evangelical Alliance, which represents Protestant churches belonging to 143 National Evangelical Alliances with altogether 600 million members. He is also President of the International Council of the International Society for Human Rights. Till 2021 he was Associate Secretary General for Theological Concerns (Theology, Theological Education, Intrafaith and Interfaith Relations, Religious Freedom, Research, and director of the International Institute for Religious Freedom (Bonn, Cape Town, Toronto, Colombo, Brasilia), the largest research network for religious freedom and against persecution of Christians and other religions and world views.

Find recent statements, press releases, high resolution photos and other relevant information about the Secretary General of the WEA.

The Team Surrounding the Secretary General

The Secretary General is surrounded by a diverse team of gifted leaders and advisors who provide expertise, insights, perspectives and wisdom to support him in his role. The Office of the Secretary General includes two Deputies, one for Ministries and one for Operations, and together they form the core leadership that guides the WEA’s overall strategy and day-to-day work.