World Evangelical Alliance 175th Anniversary

175th Anniversary Uniting Evangelicals For Prayer Mission & Justice Since 1846


Founded in 1977, the Evangelical Association of the Caribbean (EAC) is a regional ministry working with local congregations, NEAs and Affiliates within the Caribbean to join in common concern to live and proclaim the Good News of Jesus in their nations.

EAC ministers throughout the islands of the Caribbean, including the Spanish, French, English, and Dutch islands and including those Central and South American countries, which traditionally relate to the Caribbean islands, namely Belize, Guyana, Guyane (French Guiana), and Suriname.

We take delight in our service to strengthen, unite and empower evangelicals in the Caribbean, to transform the Caribbean society through biblical discipleship, ensuring poverty reduction, increasing peace (shalom-wholeness), preserving public justice and enhancing national righteousness.

The multi–dimensional communities appreciate our determination to engage with Governments and their agencies, providing the Church with a regional identity, voice and platform to extend the kingdom of God through Christ–centered proclamation of the Gospel to all peoples, discipling the nations, and transformation of societies.




Pray for the Church – The Body of Christ in the Caribbean that Church leaders become one in unity with Christ and with each other, just as Jesus, the Christ is in loving fellowship with the Father. We desire that believers display this unity and let the Caribbean know that we are Jesus’ disciples by the love we have one for another.


Prayer for Christian Unity. Forgive us for establishing barriers and divisions within the Body, for using our own biases and unloving attitudes toward other believers, for being too ready to declare our differences and denounce them as unfit for fellowship, rather than seeking to discover our similarities in Christ, and rejoicing that our citizenship is in heaven.


Please pray for believers in the Caribbean to be united whenever disaster strikes whether an earthquake, floods, hurricanes or eruption of volcanos. As a region that is vulnerable to natural disasters, we want to pray that the unity and solidarity of evangelicals can be a light in difficult times.


Regional EA est.1977
National EAs11
Antigua and Barbuda United Evangelical Association of Antigua & Barbuda
Barbados Barbados Evangelical Association
Grenada Alliance of Evangelical Churches Inc. Grenada
Guyana Guyana Evangelical Fellowship
Haïti Concile des Eglises Evangéliques d’Haïti
Jamaica Jamaica Association of Evangelicals
St. Croix St. Croix Evangelical Ministerial Association
St. Kitts St. Kitts Evangelical Association
St. Lucia Fellowship of Gospel Preaching Churches
St. Vincent & the Grenadines Association of Evangelical Churches in St. Vincent & the Grenadines
Trinidad & Tobago Trinidad & Tobago Council of Evangelical Churches