WEA Condemns Defamatory Video and Violent Reaction in Libya


> English <> Arabic <> Deutsch <

New York, NY – September 12, 2012

The World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) joins others in condemning the violence in which the US ambassador to Libya and others have been killed in protest against an obscure and primitive video that defames Islam. The WEA is convinced that there can never be any justification for such violence. In this case it has cost the life of diplomatic personnel – and the WEA sees the diplomatic community as crucial to the task of building mutual understanding in international relationships.

The WEA also totally condemns the defamatory and insulting video. "We completely denounce the practice of Insulting and slandering adherents of other religions or their founders. Such inflammatory statements invariably arouse suspicion and confusion", says Dr. Geoff Tunnicliffe, Secretary General of the WEA.

"We stand shoulder to shoulder with our Christian brothers and sisters in those countries with Muslim majority populations in condemning both the video and the violence that has followed its publication."

The WEA calls on Christians and Muslims to press for calm in this highly-charged atmosphere.

Recognizing that there are many radical differences between worldviews, WEA believes that all people of every faith need to continue to build mechanisms for peaceful co-existence. The WEA is very committed to deepening relationships with those who see the world differently, as part of WEA’s contribution to addressing tensions around the world.


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The WEA is the largest global evangelical body with a network of churches in 129 nations and an alliance of 100 international organizations representing over 600 million Christians worldwide. It representatively speaks as a trusted voice on behalf of global evangelicalism, connects diverse Evangelical church networks and ministries for effective collaborative action, and actively equips their needs with valuable resources to optimize their impact. For more info e-mail at [email protected] or go to Worldea.org.

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