What We Do
The WEA has six programmatic departments: Alliance Engagement, Church Engagement, Public Engagement, Global Advocacy, Global Theology and Global Witness. Each department consists of networks related to the area that are working together to maximize their impact at the global level and all the way to the local communities.
Alliance Engagement
The WEA Alliance Engagement Department (AED) seeks to strengthen existing Evangelical Alliances and establish new Alliances in places they do not yet exist. The AED, accordingly, equips and establishes Alliances to be visible, viable and vital entities that impact the nations with the Kingdom of God.
Church Engagement
The Church Engagement Department works with Evangelical Alliances and the broader WEA family, providing programs and resources to enable them to develop healthy disciple-making churches that make a difference in their communities.
Public Engagement
The Public Engagement Department seeks to engage with governments, intergovernmental and non-profit organizations and various other stakeholders to address and advocate for issues of public concern and for the common good. This includes migration & diaspora, human trafficking, and peace & reconciliation, among others.
Global Advocacy
Since its formation in 1846, the WEA has been concerned about human rights in general and religious freedom in particular. Over the past years, WEA’s engagement at the United Nations in Bonn, Geneva and New York has gained momentum leading to the creation of the Global Advocacy Department to unite and coordinate these efforts.
Global Theology
The Global Theology Department leads an ongoing global discussion process between WEA’s wide range of members, churches, training institutions, theologians, and researchers, seeking to speak with one voice to the world and connects WEA to all other global Christian communions. It seeks to be present whenever theological informed issues are debated on a global level.
Global Witness
The Global Witness Department connects with leaders of Evangelical Missionary Alliances, missions movements, networks, agencies and churches to reflect on current missions and evangelism practice and provide resources that strengthen participation in God’s mission locally and globally
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