of the World Evangelical Aliance
178 years ago today, some 800 evangelical leaders from eleven countries representing fifty-two Christian denominations resolved to establish the WEA. They described as “ a new thing in Church history – a definite organization for the expression of unity amongst Christian individuals belonging to different churches.” Building on the momentum of the Great Awakenings and with a desire to respond to some of the grave social issues in society, they came together from all backgrounds of evangelicalism at that time.
Celebrate 178 Years of the World Evangelical Alliance
On August 26, 2024, we celebrate the 178th anniversary of the World Evangelical Alliance. Our journey began in August 1846 in central London, where 4,000 people gathered, and 15,000 more were turned away. Over these 178 years, our mission has remained steadfast.
The biblical word “Evangelical” means “the good news”—specifically, the good news of the Christian gospel. It signifies Christians united by a central concern for the gospel, while embracing diverse expressions of faith in other matters.
As a global network rooted in local churches, we remain committed to the central role of Jesus Christ as our Savior, the Bible as our guiding constitution, and our goal to transform the world through the preaching and practice of the gospel. Prayer has always been a cornerstone of the WEA, and as we enter this Jubilee year, we are acutely aware of the diverse opportunities and challenges faced by the global body of Christ. In light of ongoing crises and the need for healing and unity, we invite you to join us in prayer and celebration.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to all our national alliances, regional alliances, member affiliates, ethnic alliances, church networks, and global friends of the World Evangelical Alliance. We deeply appreciate everyone who is part of our community and helps further our goals and mission. Our vision is to see Evangelicals united globally for Gospel transformation, a vision echoed throughout our history, as chronicled in resources like Goodly Fellowship: A Centenary Tribute to the Life and Work of the World’s Evangelical Alliance 1846–1946.
Our mission focuses on fostering unity in Christ, strengthening identity, voice, and platform for Gospel witness and discipleship. Our aspiration is to achieve the fullness of life for every person, a healthy church for every people, an equipped leader for every congregation, and the shalom of God for every nation. As we reflect on these goals, we are reminded of the importance of prayer, as highlighted in the United in Prayer: A Global Call to Action on the 178th Anniversary of the World Evangelical Alliance, a reminder that unity starts with prayer.
To continue making a meaningful impact and advancing our mission, we urgently need your support. Your generous donation—whether a one-time gift or a recurring contribution—will directly help us enhance our efforts and better serve our global community. Every dollar counts in our commitment to fulfill Jesus’ prayer for unity so that the world may believe (John 17:21-23). As Dr. Brian C. Stiller reflects in his Message Commemorating Our 178th Anniversary, your support is crucial in our continued journey toward a transformed world.
Please give today and be a vital part of our continued journey toward a transformed world.
Thank you for your support and for being an essential part of this momentous journey.
The WEA Then and Now
Check out ”our history” comparison of the WEA in 1846 and today
Unity Starts with Prayer
Pray with us for the Unique needs of the world
Capturing a Rich History
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