Building a Resilient Future: AEA Leadership Summit, August 24-26, 2023, Gaborone, Botswana


By Association of Evangelicals in Africa 

As the winds of change sweep across the African continent, a beacon of hope and unity shines bright on the horizon. At such a time, the Association of Evangelicals in Africa (AEA) is set to host its premier Leadership Summit, in Gaborone, Botswana from the 24-26 of August, 2023.

With the theme “Transformative Agenda towards The Africa that God Wants,” the summit aims to equip church leaders and evangelical representatives with the requisite knowledge and inspiration needed to navigate the challenges facing the Church and the opportunities in the continent.

The summit will bring together a diverse array of participants, from seasoned theologians, and marketplace leaders, to grassroots advocacy practitioners. The aim is to have a stimulating environment, foster collective wisdom and collaboration and architect strategic direction to enhance inclusive participation in the continent’s transformation.

Throughout the summit, attendees will engage deeply with various thematic areas. Discussions will encompass the Church’s role in socio-economic development, peacebuilding, crisis response, advocacy for legal and cultural change, as well as transformative curricula in theological education. By delving into these topics, participants will be equipped to embrace necessary change in order to navigate the complexities of a rapidly changing world.

One of the summit’s primary aspirations is to foster increased collaboration among churches and para-church organizations. By uniting diverse voices and perspectives, the event aims to create a united front against persecution, extremism, and societal challenges.

The event’s curated program of distinguished speakers and commitment to fostering collaboration indicate its potential to catalyse transformative change in the Church and the wider continent. The AEA Leadership Summit hopes to provide a unifying force, illuminating a path towards a more resilient, prosperous, and harmonious future for Africa.

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