Esther Project Esther Project Esther Project

Women in Church Leadership
For years, the issue of women in church leadership – formal and informal – has been a touchy subject both theologically and institutionally. Sadly, many gifted women have been overlooked and discouraged. Thankfully, this is changing. A recent survey indicated 7 in 10 evangelicals supported women teaching, leading worship, and preaching in church. Yet, this has yet to be reality in church institutions.
The WEA is committed to the equality and co-leading of men and women when it comes to serving the Kingdom of God. THE ESTHER PROJECT is the WEA initiative that is actively working to:
- Advocate for full co-leading of women in church and parachurch ministry
- Equip and empower women and girls to assume leadership roles
- Celebrate publicly the unique and influential role women are having
Why Esther?
God did amazing things through Esther. Esther’s name symbolizes peace, joy, generosity, and justice. Her Persian name, Esther, means “the star.” Biblically speaking, God uses his stars.
The framework for this initiative is built on Esther’s characteristics: Esther listened to God and recognized His calling on her life. Esther had wisdom.
Esther never abused her authority. Esther loved God. Esther’s faith was strong. Esther displayed courage. Esther showed humility. Esther had patience.

Our vision for THE ESTHER PROJECT is that over the coming years we will spark a movement of women and girls dedicating themselves to be an “Esther” and to applying their God-given gifts in the building of the Kingdom of God.
Three Key Pillars
The impact of the Woman’s’ Commission is measured in the growing number of women engaged in the Commission and the increasing acceptance of women in church leadership.
2. The National Church Alliances
They are requested to promote co-leading of men and women in regional, national alliances, as well as affiliated members through the development of practical steps, language around leading, sharing of best practices.
3. Public Media Campaign
In today’s digital world, using narrative video to tell personal stories of triumph over barriers especially is a key method of attracting, influencing, inspiring and engaging people.
THE ESTHER PROJECT will enable the WEA to create and promote, through social and other media, the real-life experiences of difference-making women in the Church. In different languages and global regions, this interactive campaign will be targeted to both Christian women and current church leadership.
To connect aspiring women and girls with others and the WEA, we will develop an online presence which the responders can use to access resources and make real-time connections with others.
The impact of this campaign will be measured in the number of women who respond and begin a journey towards greater understanding of their gifts, role, and leadership potential.
THE ESTHER PROJECT is a work in progress. Some of the activities described above are already underway, some are in development. We have projected a total amount of $450,000 (for all 3 pillars) to properly develop and launch these initiatives.
Project Oversight
Dr. Peirong Lin holds the important and influential role in the global WEA network as Deputy Secretary General for Operations. She is the first woman in the 175-year history to do so. Peirong is a theologian and a passionate human development professional.
Native to Singapore, Peirong grew up in a multi-cultural and religious context. Her story is one of showing up, overcoming barriers, believing in God’s call in her life and applying God-given gifts. She serves as a role model for woman and is excited to be giving oversight to THE ESTHER PROJECT in addition to her duties as Deputy Secretary General.
THE ESTHER PROJECT is a work in progress. Some of the activities described above are already underway, some are in development. We have projected a total amount of $450,000 (for all 3 pillars) to properly develop and launch these initiatives over the next three years. Funds are need for such vital resources as:
- Staffing of our Women’s Commission Director and Ambassador
- Training and resource support of woman’s’ coaches and mentors
- Development of resources in different medium with different languages
- Production of women’s events
- Travel costs to national alliances for training
- Video production of inspiring stories of accomplished women in ministry
- Mass distribution costs of video stories to broad audiences of women
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