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Barnabas Aid
Calling Ministry is a mission organization based on 2 Tim 1:9. We are called to call!
Reaching those who have never heard and training those who have heard the call, how to make disciples in all the world.
CBMC International is an interdenominational, evangelical Christian organization comprised of national associations in over 90 countries. We share a common statement of faith, ministry practices, and a passion to see lives transformed by the Gospel. Our mission is to establish and strengthen CBMC ministries at the national and regional levels as they engage the marketplace with the Gospel and partner with men and women in transformative discipleship relationships.
The Continuing Evangelical Episcopal Communion (the CEEC.CHURCH) is a communion of the one, holy catholic and apostolic Church. Our specific identity and self-understanding is rooted in the Anglican spiritual tradition of being Catholic, Evangelical and Protestant. Anglicanism brings together the authority of the Bible, the historic faith, and the beauty of structured prayer. It is rooted in tradition, yet contemporary in practice. It is united in substance, yet diverse in expression. Anglicans are part of a global family living out our faith in local communities. We evangelize, disciple and plant convergent churches that express all three historic streams of the Church on five continents.
Diakonos is a fellowship of business executives who share in God’s vision as explained in the Bible. We have a purpose to make an impact globally through Christian businesses.

Established in 2021, EnArche Institute was developed to support the World Chinese Christianity Alliance (WCCA). Key services provided include providing secretariat services to the World Chinese Christianity Alliance through networking with relevant Chinese organizations globally as well as, developing resources relevant online courses.
Food For The Poor, Inc., established in 1982, is a Christ-centered relief and development organization dedicated to serving the needy in 15 countries across Latin America and the Caribbean. We provide emergency relief, education, housing, healthcare access, economic development projects, and more, spreading the love and gospel of Jesus Christ through our work. Our mission is to fulfill the Great Commission and share Christ’s compassion with the world by empowering communities through sustainable initiatives that transform lives.
The vision of Gather25 is to mobilize the Church to reach the world, so every person on earth may know Jesus. In 2025, for 25 hours, we will gather the global Church for a time of prayer, repentance, and commissioning.
Jubilee is a fellowship comprised of a globally diverse and eclectic body of musicians, dancers, actors, and members purposed to glorify God through the sacrifices of praise and worship.
SEE Global equips the church with a biblical paradigm of singleness, marriage and spiritual family that fully engages and empowers single adults for kingdom service.
SIL International works with local communities and global partners to develop language solutions that expand possibilities for shalom. We provide training, translation tools and programs so people and churches can flourish in community and engage with the Bible in the languages they value most and best understand.
Tying Vines connects our locally-based partners to the support of the global community so that together we can have a lasting impact on transforming at-risk communities with the love of Christ. Reaching almost 1 million people each year, Tying Vines was established in 2011, and works in 36 countries around the world to provide hope in four key areas: ministry, humanitarian support, crisis response, and entrepreneurship.
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