Youth Commission

About Youth Commission

Never has reaching the world’s youth be so challenging and so vital. With over one-half the world under the age of 25, it is clear that, if we are to reach the world, we must reach youth. And on one level, we’ve never had so much opportunity with an ever increasing on-line globally connected generation. But on the other hand the changes which bring opportunity also bring challenges as the models of ministry which have worked for previous generations don’t work so well for this generation.

Western youth whose relativist world view doesn’t acknowledge sinfulness so much as entitlement creates challenges for those wanting to present an authentic gospel resulting in life long followers of Christ. The majority world youth are seeking healthy role models with whom they can identify, and a voice to shape church and mission not just in their own context but as a global community.

Strategic missional leaders from across the world have sought to collaborate upon a platform set up by the Youth Commission called Converge (visit This is a highly relational movement of largely younger leaders predominantly from the majority world from across denominations and agencies to reach their nations, regions and together the globe through grassroots innovative and collaborative projects.

The WEA Youth Commission exists to unite, encourage and support national and regional alliance youth commissions in any way it can, as they facilitate the Church to reach, equip and mobilise young people to disciple their communities and the world for Jesus Christ.

To enquire about support for national or regional Youth Commissions or how you can get involved in the global Converge youth movement, please do contact us.

Contact Us

Colin Piper
Executive Director, WEA Youth Commission
International Christian Youthworks
19 Buckles Way Banstead, Surrey, ENGLAND SM7 1HB
Work Phone: +441737353192
E-Mail : [email protected]