
From: AEA General Secretary


The situation in Madagascar remains confusing and uncertain following the contested presidential elections that were conducted a number of weeks ago. The case of a nation having two heads of state at a time is a big concern under which the future of the nation becomes unpredictable.

The situation is even worsening as the political tension rises higher. According to reliable independent sources, President Didier Ratsiraka decided yesterday to move the capital city to his home region, after Marc Ravalomanana marched to the city and took over the Ministry of Defense. It is understood that the people of Madagascar went on strike again!

In another incident, 50 men from the South (of Madagascar) were paid to go and set on fire the Sugar factory of Namakia and to drive out all the Merinas (people of the highlands). They were caught up with a violent wind when they were sailing to the place. They finally defected from the destructive project after two pastors who were innocently travelling with them in a boat prayed to God to stop the storm.

In such a state of great confusion and lack of direction for a nation, we need humble and yet great men and women of God to pray for heaven to intervene.

Let us all join our hearts in prayer that

– the worst may not happen in Madagascar
– God may give to the people of Madagascar a person of His choice to lead the nation
– God may protect the population, especially the lives of innocent civilians
– God will protect his Church and help her to stand firm, strong and victorious in the midst of these trials.

We will all give glory to Jesus and rejoice in him together when our prayers are answered according to His will.

Your co-servant in His field,
Tokunboh Adeyemo
AEA General Secretary

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