
Evangelical Fellowship of India

Tripura Church Leaders’ Conference 2002

The Evangelical Fellowship of India organized the Tripura Church Leadership Conference from 30 August to 1 September 2002 at Mission Compound Agartala in which 125 church leaders participated from all over Tripura.

* We affirm our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ who is the revelation of the Living God.
* We affirm the unity of all believers in the body of Jesus Christ.
* We affirm the unity, equality, dignity and worth of all humanity created in the image and likeness of God.
* We affirm the role of the Church is to worship the Living God and to be witnesses by work and words to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
* We affirm the Church is commissioned by Jesus Christ to be an agent of reconciliation in the world.
* We affirm to work for reconciliation, peace, love, justice and truth in our society.
* We condemn the hate campaign against the church and the atrocities against the minority Christian community.
* We condemn the killing of innocent people and call for dialogue as a peaceful means for resolving problems.
* We declare that the church of Jesus Christ will continue to serve the nation through its various institutions.

On behalf of Delegates:

Rev. Richard Howell,
General Secretary – EFI

Rev. R. Debbarma
General Secretary – Tripura Baptist Christian Union

Rev. Chung Thang Theik
North-East Secretary – EFI

Place: Agartala, Tripura

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