Evangelical Association of the Caribbean Holds Conference


Bridgetown, Barbados: With hundreds packing The People’s Cathedral and more on the outside, the Sixth Congress of Evangelicals in the Caribbean (CONECAR 2002) started with a powerful opening ceremony. Delegates stood as the 27 flags of the nations of the Caribbean were placed on the platform. Powerful music from the Abundant Life Assembly Steel Orchestra, followed by a moving presentation from the ATC Dancers calling for the walls to be torn down, set the stage for an evening when “God showed up.”

Senator The Honourable Glyne Murray, Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office, welcomed delegates to Barbados on behalf of the Prime Minister and Government of Barbados. Senator Murray recognised the crucial role of the Church in society and called for a greater partnership between the Church and Civil Society in building the nations of the Caribbean.

Rev. Ken Ragoonath, President of the Evangelical Association (EAC) and Rev. Dr. Nigel Taylor, President of the Barbados Evangelical Association also welcomed delegates. The People’s Cathedral Choir brought the congregation to its feet with a stirring rendition of Handel’s “Hallelujah Chorus,” widely considered to be the anthem of Heaven.

As opening speaker, Rev. Clinton Chisholm, a Baptist from Jamaica, challenged the congress with a broad sweep through history outlining ways in which the Church has impacted and transformed societies from the brutalities of the Roman Empire to the sciences, politics, and the creative arts. In a powerful message entitled “The Church: God’s agency in transforming society,” Rev. Chisholm called the Church back to its rightful place at the centre of societal transformation.

CONECAR continues through October 24 with 330 delegates from 28 countries representing more than 80 Evangelical denominations and agencies considering the theme “Transforming nations through the radical Gospel of Jesus Christ.”

For further information contact:

Rev. Gerry Seale,

General Secretary,

Evangelical Association of the Caribbean.

Tel: [1] 246-427-9746

Email: [email protected]

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