
“Watch and pray,” urges our Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 26:41) and “Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful” adds apostle Paul (Col. 4:2).

The African continent needs believers’ intercessory prayer today as it undergoes a difficult time of political and social unrest. A number of nations around us are going through or facing a controversial political changes. In most cases, general elections are not like driving on a smooth highway. Such political transitions are usually threatening, insecure and even bloody. We all know what has been going on in Madagascar, Burundi, DRC, Liberia, and now in Angola to name but a few.

The Republic of Zimbabwe is due to hold Presidential elections on March 9-10, 2002. Here are some of the highlights:

1. Five people have been nominated as presidential candidates. These include the current President Robert Mugabe of the ruling party ZANU and his counterpart Morgan Tsvangirai of the Movement for Democratic Change.

2. So far, the campaign exercise has claimed more than 100 lives due to politically motivated violence.

3. About 35 public schools have been forced to shut down.

4. Some pastors have been arrested for praying outside a police station.

5. Because the head of the EU election observers’ team was refused permission to participate in monitoring, the entire EU team has pulled out and left Zimbabwe.

6. The Zimbabwe Council of Churches as well as the Catholic Church have issued a pastoral letter denouncing political violence and urging for peaceful campaign.

7. The Interim President of the Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe – Bishop Trevor Manhanga has urged the entire AEA Family to pray for divine intervention. He made the call last Monday February 25th while addressing the AEA Headquarters staff in Nairobi.

For these reasons and many others, let us all join together as one body and take this concern to our heavenly Father in prayer. PRAY FOR ZIMBABWE THAT

1. – on-going violence may come to an end.
2. – the Church may boldly stand united for justice and peace of the nation.
3. – the elections will be free, fair and transparent.
4. – statements of peace that have been echoing in the political campaign rallies become a reality instead of a cheating tool.
5. – God’s grace and protection may be upon AEA Zimbabwe-based staff, the Church and people of Zimbabwe.
6. – Rev. Netha’s (Executive Secretary for AEA’s Ethics, Peace & Justice Commission) involvement with the Centre for Peace in Africa in trying to get the opposition and the government together for dialogue may be fruitful.
7. – the people of Zimbabwe will elect a God-fearing person to lead their nation.

What is impossible to man is possible with God!

Sincerely yours in Christ
Tokunboh Adeyemo
AEA General Secretary

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