Hurricane Katrina: Call for Global Prayer


Like me, you have likely seen or heard of the reports out of the southern United States and of the devastating impact of hurricane Katrina and the subsequent flooding on the people of Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana.

We unite in grief and sadness with all of those in the United States who have been affected by the hurricane and flooding. We grieve with those who have lost loved ones and all their belongings. We call on Christians across the globe to remember these suffering ones in your prayers and to respond generously toward the relief interventions.

We ask you to pray for:

• Courage and comfort to people still trapped by the flood waters
• Healing and heath to the injured
• Comfort for who have lost loved ones and those who have not yet heard from their loved ones in the effected regions
• Rapid deployment of relief supplies – food, water, medical supplies, and clothes
• Strength, courage and wisdom to the medical personnel helping the injured; persons searching for survivors, relief workers taking in food, water, and medical supplies; those counseling the bereaved and grief-stricken
• Courage for Police and National Guard who are seeking to restore order and provide security
• Guidance for Pastors, church leaders and lay people as they seek to provide spiritual counsel and help
• Strength, courage and wisdom to those directing the emergency response
• An end to the violence and a spirit of lawfulness on the part of all
• An outpouring of generosity from the Christian community towards those affected by this tragedy
• That people will seek the Lord at this time of tragedy
• The National Association of Evangelicals and its affiliate members who are responding to the disaster.

Information on how you can respond:

Most of the denominations of that are members of the National Association of Evangelicals are responding to this disaster. Please check with your denomination on how best you can help.

In addition, the following two NAE related agencies are coordinating local church response.

World Relief, the official relief and development arm of the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE)

The Salvation Army,

Sincerely in Christ,

Geoff Tunnicliffe
International Director
World Evangelical Alliance


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