Christian Leaders Present Communiqué on Poverty Reduction Action to United Action Leaders


Ahead of the historic United Nations World Summit, senior leaders of the World Evangelical Alliance met with top representatives from other Christian communions at the national cathedral in Washington D.C.

“The two main goals of the consultation were to develop a communiqué from the broadest Christian representation in history on the issue of poverty and to deepen the understating of how the Christian community can be more actively involved in halving poverty by 2015,” said Geoff Tunnicliffe, International Director of the World Evangelical Alliance.

Tunnicliffe, along with Michael Smitheram, International Coordinator of the Micah Challenge, and Ndaba Mazabane, the Chair of the WEA International Council, joined other senior church officials for the “Consultation of Religious Leaders on Global Poverty,” Monday, Sept. 12, during which they drafted the “Call to Partnership” communiqué.

“We believe that God calls us to place people struggling with poverty at the center of our concern,” the statement notes.

The communiqué also took note of the “urgency of the needs of the most vulnerable,” and called upon government to: create a just society, build partnerships, promote accountability and transparency, cancel debt, increase development assistance, promote trade justice, and strengthen security, in keeping with the U.N.’s Millennium Development Goals.

“We believe the Millennium Development Goals can be achieved by 2015,” it states. “We commit ourselves to work as partners with all who work to achieve a more just and peaceful world.”

The representatives then traveled to New York to present their communiqué to the U.N. General Assembly the day before the World Leadership Summit.

“It was warmly received by top officials,” said Rev. Njongonkulu Ndungane, one of the conveners of the consultation.

However, the delegates recognized that it is not the sole responsibility of governments to respond to the needs of the poor.

“We as the church must go beyond words to action and fulfill the biblical mandate of taking poverty seriously,” said Mazabane.

Tunnicliffe agreed: “If our vast network of three million churches around the world embraced this urgent call, we can achieve a more just and peaceful world.”

The following is the full text of the “Call to Partnership” communiqué:



September 13, 2005


At the urgent call of Church leaders in the southern hemisphere, we came together at Washington National Cathedral as Christian leaders from diverse traditions and places, both rich and poor, South and North, united in a common concern for those of us living in poverty. We see their faces; we hear their voices; they are a part of us, and we are a part of them.

As the United Nations reaches its 60th anniversary, we give thanks for its work in peacemaking and global reconciliation, particularly the historic commitment to eradicate poverty in the Millennium Declaration of 2000. Five years have passed, and despite this triumph of principle, there has been a failure in practice. In this communiqué, we offer our partnership to the leaders gathered at the World Summit at the United Nations in building a global movement to make real the promises of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) as a crucial step toward a more just world for all God’s children.


We believe that God calls us to place people struggling with poverty at the center of our concern. Globalization has brought unprecedented economic growth. At the same time, one-sixth of the world’s people still fight daily for survival under the crushing burden of extreme poverty. The increasing concentration of wealth in our world, while so many suffer, is a scandal that impoverishes us all.

We believe that the spirit of partnership between rich and poor, exemplified in the MDGs, is a way the world can address poverty in all its dimensions. In particular, we support the Goal of a “global partnership for development” and believe that the Churches can make a unique contribution to that partnership.

We believe that our communities of faith, representing millions of people and sponsoring numerous human-development initiatives, can provide new models for advancing a global movement against poverty. The Churches have a vast network of institutions, trusted relationships with millions of people, and access to countless local communities, all rich resources for development.


In light of the urgency of the needs of the most vulnerable, we call upon governments to take the following actions:

1. Create a Just Society: We recognize that poverty cannot be uncoupled from structures of injustice in the world. We call upon governments to protect human life, defend human rights, foster just economies, and create conditions in which all people can fulfill their human potential.

1. Build Partnerships: In many countries productive partnerships have been established between government and Churches, but more possibilities lie ahead. We call on governments to facilitate partnerships with Churches and religious organizations so that the poor become protagonists in their own destinies.

1. Promote accountability and transparency: Corruption and a lack of transparency and accountability rob the poor of significant resources and pose an obstacle to development in many countries. We know that nations and international institutions have undertaken anti-corruption initiatives; we commend these and urge that far greater resources be devoted to their implementation.

1. Cancel Debt: We commend this summer’s debt cancellation agreement of the G-8 as a significant advance, and urge world leaders to build upon this agreement. Too many nations still labor under a burden of debt that does not allow them to invest in the health, education, and economic development of their peoples. We call upon creditor nations and international institutions to cancel the remaining debt of all nations struggling with extreme poverty.

1. Increase Development Assistance: We commend those countries that have increased development assistance in response to the Millennium Declaration and the Monterrey Consensus. We challenge all nations to fulfill the commitments they have made to increase development assistance dramatically.

1. Promote Trade Justice: Too little progress has been made in making the world’s trade systems fair and just for developing countries and peoples. We call upon the nations of the world to level the playing field for trade.

1. Security: In too many regions and countries, armed conflict exacerbates extreme poverty, which in turn sows the seeds of future conflicts. We call upon the leaders of nations to protect innocent populations, reduce the flow of arms, and support peace building.


In making these calls to governments, we know that the Churches themselves must be active partners in the work of development and building a just world economy. We affirm the work of countless Church communities and faith-based relief and development agencies that work for and with those living in extreme poverty. At its best, this work acknowledges the leadership of persons in poverty, engages poor communities as partners in human development, moves us to work across denominational and faith lines, and brings us into productive partnerships with governments and the private sector.

Our call to the churches builds upon our strengths. At the same time, we humbly recognize our weaknesses. As Christian leaders we challenge our own Churches to pursue partnerships with governments, international organizations, civil society, and across confessional lines. Without new strategic partnerships, the world will fail to fulfill the aspirations of the Millennium Declaration.

We encourage the Churches to deepen and intensify efforts to promote transparency and accountability, both in their own development work and in the work of their governments. Locally rooted church communities, in collaboration with civil society, can help governments monitor distribution of resources and evaluate results.


In faith and obedience to God, and in humility, we are compelled to be agents of hope, doers of justice, and lovers of kindness. We believe the Millennium Development Goals can be achieved by 2015. These targets of basic material well-being can only be reached in the context of peace, human rights, environmental sustainability, and gender equity.

Building a just society involves costs and risks. We will stand with courageous political, religious, and community leaders. We commit ourselves to work as partners with all who work to achieve a more just and peaceful world.

Signers of the Communique from Participants in the Consultation of Religious Leaders on Global Poverty

The Rt. Rev. George Leonard Carey
The Rt. Rev. John Bryson Chane

Retired Archbishop of Canterbury
Bishop of Washington

The Rev. Dr. John Chryssavgis

The Rev. Rajmund Dabrowski

Theological Advisor to the Ecumenical Patriarch on Environmental Issues, Greek Orthodox Church
Communication Director, Seventh-Day Adventist Church

The Rev. Randolph Dales
Ms. Marie Dennis

Chairman of the Standing Commission on Anglican & International Peace with Justice Concerns
Director, Maryknoll Office of Global Concerns

The Rev. George Freeman
The Rt. Rev. Angel Furlan

General Secretary of the World Methodist Council
Former President of Iglesia Evangelica Luterana Unida

The Rev. Canon Brian Grieves
The Most Rev. Frank Griswold

Director of Peace and Justice Ministries, ECUSA
Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, USA

The Rt. Rev. Tord Harlin
The Most Rev. Andrew Hutchison

Bishop of Uppsala
Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada

Ms. Wahu Kaara
The Rev. Canon Kenneth Kearon

Ecumenical Millenium Development Goal Programme Coordinator, AACC
Secretary General of the Anglican Communion Consultative Council

The Very Rev. Samuel T. Lloyd
The Rev. Ndaba Mazabane

Dean of Washington National Cathedral
Chair of the World Evangelical Alliance

Dr. Esther Mombo
The Rt. Rev. Trevor Mwamba

Dean of St Paul’s United Theological Seminary
Bishop of Botswana

The Most Rev. Njongonkulu Ndungane
The Rev. Canon Livingstone Ngewu

Archbishop of the Church of the Province of Southern Africa
Rector of the College of the Transfiguration

The Rev. Dr. Ishmael Noko
The Rev. Dr. Setri Nyomi

General Secretary of the Lutheran World Federation
General Secretary of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches

The Most Rev. Raphael S. Ndingi Mwana’a Nzeki
Dr. Jenny Te Paa

Archbishop of Nairobi
Principal of the College of Saint John the Evangelist

The Rev. Michael Perry
The Rev. Canon John L. Peterson

Consultant for Africa, Franciscans International
Director of the Center for Global Justice & Reconciliation, Washington National Cathedral

The Rt. Rev. Luis Prado
Dr. Robert Radtke

Dean of the Theological Provincial Seminary in Porto Alegre
President of Episcopal Relief and Development

The Rt. Rev. Theodore F. Schneider
Archdeacon Tuatagaloa-Matalavea Tai

Bishop, Evangelical Lutheran Church of America
Anglican Observer at the United Nations

Mr. Geoff Tunicliffe

International Director, World Evangelical Alliance

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