Mongolia Evangelical Alliance Emergency Announcements

Mongolia Evangelical Alliance


On December 27th, 2005 around 3 PM local time the building of Amgalan Bible Church (a member-church of the Mongolia Evangelical Alliance) burned down. Gratefully, no one was physically hurt. In addition to the church building, the living quarters adjoined to the church, where pastor Munkbaatar and his family lived, also burned down. Munkbaatar’s family lost all their personal possessions. Two ger-houses (small nomadic round tents) belonging to two church member families were also lost. In addition to serving as the pastor of Amgalan Bible Church, Munkbaatar serves as the executive director of Mongolia Evangelical Alliance. The fire department worked for many hours to stop the blaze and prevent it from spreading to neighboring homes. Presently, fire department is investigating the cause of the fire.

EMERGENCY COMMITTEE (on behalf of Amgalan Bible Church and the families).


In response to the burning of the Amgalan Bible Church and the homes of three families on December 27th, 2005, the Christian community of Ulaanbaatar held an emergency prayer meeting that same evening. The meeting included church leaders of various churches, leaders of several Christian organizations and others concerned believers.

During the meeting, the situation of the three families and the church building was introduced, prayed for, and an Emergency Committee was formed.

The purpose of the committee is to organize the response by Christians in Mongolia and abroad to the disaster and coordinate efforts to restore what the church and the three families have lost.

The Emergency Committee is appealing to the Christian community in Mongolian and internationally on two fronts: (1) to organize a network of prayer for the families and the church congregation and (2) to actively assist in restoring what has been lost. Presently, the primary losses for the families include their homes and basic personal items. For the church, the primary losses include the church building and its assets such as Bibles, ministry materials and equipment.

Churches, organizations, and individuals here in Ulaanbaatar have already begun concerted prayer and providing initial financial and material help. On Dec. 30th at 1 PM through finances given by Christians, the Emergency Committee, bought ger-houses for two of the families. Thus, two of the three families already have homes.

The Emergency Committee will seek to timely inform the Christian community about the restoration efforts for the church and families effected by this tragedy. If you would like offer financial assistance, please contact the World Evangelical Alliance at (604) 214-8620
or by e-mail at [email protected]

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