World Evangelical Alliance International Director Calls for End to Genocide in Darfur


For Immediate Release

Geoff Tunnicliffe, the International Director of the World Evangelical Alliance, is among dozens of high-profile speakers slated to address the deteriorating situation in Darfur, Sudan, during the first national Save Darfur rally in Washington D.C. this Sunday.

Tens of thousands of concerned citizens are expected to join the April 30th rally outside of the U.S. Capitol to make a joint call on the U.S. government to “End the violence, build the peace, and Save Darfur NOW.”

For almost four years, government-backed militias have terrorized the Western region of Sudan, slaughtering hundreds of thousands and forcing millions more to flee the country.

Despite strong statements from leaders in the U.S. and the UN, millions of people continue to suffer and die in Darfur. Organizers of the Save Darfur rally hope to bring immediate change to this situation by placing public pressure on the White House and Congress.

“The Bible makes it very clear we must take a stand with those who are voiceless and powerless,” said Geoff Tunnicliffe. “Today we stand with the Darfur people and speak out loudly against the outrageous atrocities to which they are being subjected.”

The political, civic, and religious speakers will also work to mobilize their constituency for action.

“As Evangelical Christians we are committed to the Authority of the Bible,” said Tunnicliffe. “We call upon the 420 million evangelicals Christians in the world to join with others in responding to the Biblical exhortation of Proverbs 31:8-9: Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.”

In making his call, Geoff will be standing alongside Nobel Prize laureate Elie Wiesel, U.S. Representatives Nancy Pelosi, Frank Wolf, Donald M. Payne, and Michael E. Capuano, President of the Southern Baptist Convention Ethics and Religious Liberties Commission Dr. Richard Land, and U.S. Olympic Team speed skater Joey Cheek.

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