WEA Mission Commission…..catalyzing, and connecting the global church in mission


For Immediate Release

World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) announces the 10th Mission Commission International Convocation, “Global Issues Summit” in South Africa, June 18-24, 2006 (SA06). As in each of the MC’s previous global consultations, SA06 is a by-invitation event. Three hundred participants are expected from over 50 nations.

SA06 underscores three unique features:

* This is the first time The MC meets as a global body in Africa. It expresses the MC’s commitment to serve the missional work in and from this great continent.

* This is the first international convocation since the MC completed a re-envisioning process in 2004, and continues to grapple with the implications for our global network which seeks to address the challenges of mission in and for the 21st Century.

* The South Africa consultation marks a historic moment of leadership transition. After 20 years at the helm of the MC, current Executive Director, Dr. Bill Taylor, hands over the direction of Mission Commission to Mr. Bertil Ekström of Brazil.

The MC convenes a global consultation every three years for mutual encouragement and greater understanding of the mission enterprise around the globe. Delegates examine global issues and challenges, plan their joint work and strategies, and foster the in-depth relationships without which the MC could not function. These consultations are issues-centered events with a strong training and planning component. While plenary sessions will focus on various global issues, MC networks and task forces engaged in equipping and planning activities.

The primary themes of the consultation include, HIV/AIDS and its challenges, Holistic mission, African mission models, Religious encounters and religious freedom, and Leadership transition. Daily Bible readings will be shared by Bishop Zac Niringiye of Uganda. Seminars will be presented by each of the MC’s task forces and Networks and include:

1. Building healthy national and regional mission movements: Bertil Ekstrom, Kees van der Wilden, David Ruíz and Younoussa Djao

2. South African Pastors Mission Seminar: Willie Crew and Peter Tarantal

3. International Missionary Training Network (IMTN): Jon Lewis and Rob Brynjolfson

4. Mission Mobilization Task Force: Min-Young Jung and team

5. Missionary retention and agency/church best practices (ReMAP II): Rob Hay, Jaap Ketelaar, and Valerie Lim

6. Ministry in a context of HIV/AIDS, case studies from South Africa: Dr. and Mrs. Elijah Mahlangu

7. Strategic alliances and cooperative ventures: Alex Araujo and team

8. Global Missiology teams: Rose Dowsett and Bill Taylor

9. Global Member Care Network (MEMCA): Kelly O’Donnell and team

10. Business as Mission, Mats Tunehag and team

11. Joint Information Management Initiative Sharing (JIMI): Sas Conradie and Mark Orr

12. Tentmaker International Exchanges (TIE): Derek Christiansen and team

13. Refugee Highway Partnership: Stephen Mugabi and team

14. ETHNE—towards the least reached peoples: Kent Parks and Beram Kumar

The Mission Commission produces resources for mission movements around the globe. Free books and other print materials are available from

World Evangelical Alliance (WEA)

World Evangelical Alliance is made up of 127 national evangelical alliances located in 7 regions and 104 associate member organizations. The vision of WEA is to extend the Kingdom of God by making disciples of all nations and by Christ-centered transformation within society. WEA exists to foster Christian unity, to provide an identity, voice and platform for the 420 million evangelical Christians worldwide.
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Contact Information:

Dr William Taylor,
Mission Commission Executive Director
[email protected]

Mr. Bertil Ekstrom
Mission Commission Executive Director Designate
[email protected]

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