Evangelical Alliance of Pakistan: Report, July 2006


Bridging the Gap between Hate & Love

Dearest Brothers and Sisters in the Lord.

Grace, Peace and Mercy from God Our Father and Jesus Christ Our Lord!!

Challenges are what make life interesting. Over coming them is what make life meaningful. Due to the irresponsible activities of certain Christian ministries a serious problem with the local clergy in an important city of AK had been developed. As a result, the local government promulgated a ban on all Christian ministries. Consequently, we also had to stop all our activities for a while.

We took it as a challenge to our faith and prayed earnestly to over come the trouble .We praise God that due to prayers of God’s people the issue had subsided. In another city the Local administration has granted us written permission to continue our activities in our aimed area. Nevertheless, in spite of the all the bad threats, beatings of staff and police interference, work of the Lord had been continued. Team sold 76 Bibles, 43 New Testaments, 209 books of Scriptures. This has been a major victory of this year over the devil and its tactics.

On our ministry front in Potohar where our base for over all ministry is located .A separate team is set aside just for this area .During this month 48 Bibles 122 New Testaments and 135 Books of Proverb, Genesis and Miracles of Jesus Christ were given into the hands of people.

Br. Arif Masih from ZBI Bible School had joined our training program under the auspices of Potohar School of Evangelism. (summer program).He went to help Br. Arshed Masih in the South .In spite of a strong wave of heat in the southern areas both of them along with another local couple continued their ministry. They gave 33 Bibles 16 New Testaments and 98 portions of Scriptures in the hands of people.

While there was a spirit of discouragements all around us during the past few weeks, there have always been some incidences of refreshment, too. For example this week one person namely Abdul Aziz in the city G.K bumped into our staff team alongside the road. Just after a brief time he expressed his whole hearted desire to leave his house and come to our centre right away to learn the word of God. He was advised by our staff to continue reading the Scriptures and enroll himself in the Bible Correspondence Institute.

The continuous professional training of the staff team is one important aspect of our fellowship. Last month, all the staff members have been to various training programs including brother Ifrahim, who went to Cyprus to attend a conference and later on went to Bangkok in pursuance of his doctoral studies.

Before I close, here are some urgent prayers requests which I wish to leave with you until next time.

* A new government in AK is in the process to take its shape after the recently held National elections. Please pray that may continue to enjoy freedom to minister in the AK area.

* Pray for the tiny village of Buta Mora three hours bus drive away from District of Abbottabad totally devastated by the earth quake of Oct 8 whose dwellers are still waiting for relief . Our staff has visited the village recently. The whole village is totally grounded Until now people don’t have even the mattress to sleep on. Some people were bitten by snakes as they slept on bare ground. We have provided some families with cooking utensils and some quilts. We would like to provide 100 iron beds to twenty five families (4 cots for per family, which has usually 5-9 members). Each Iron cot would cost us App 1000 Rupees (18.US $)

* In our office we need three new computers. And, we need them badly. Currently we have only one computer and one laptop for all the office work.

Before I close, let me this with confidence that you’re generous giving, praying and encouragements in the face of disaster have bolstered our determination to take the word of God with boldness to this land.

Yours for the furtherance of the Gospel always.

Ifrahim Matthew

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