Micah Challenge Malawi – Press Release



Micah Challenge encourages the Church to Stand Up Against Poverty

The Micah Challenge strategic planning meeting ended on Thursday 5th October in Lilongwe , with a call to churches in the nation to Stand Up Against Poverty and release their potential to act as the primary agents of poverty reduction in their communities.

The meeting asserted that the church should be at the heart of their communities and should hold the keys to reducing poverty and bringing transformation. The Micah Challenge steering committee meeting had 16 key church and Para church leaders from different denominations and some non-state actors who participated in the strategic planning meeting held at Kalikuti from 4th – 5th October 2006.

Micah Challenge is part of a global campaign aimed at empowering Christians to deepen their engagement in poverty reduction. Micah Challenge was started by the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) and the Micah Network of evangelical relief and development organizations. In it is being facilitated by the Evangelical Association of Malawi and it’s member churches and organizations.

Its vision is to “dramatically and sustainably reduce poverty and see a church fully involved in that biblical task.”

It originates from the book of Micah 6:8 which says, “What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”

Micah Challenge Malawi will be launched at Capital Hotel in Lilongwe on Sunday, 15th October 2006 from 12.00 noon at a function to be presided on by His Excellency the State President of the Republic of Malawi, Dr. Bingu Wa Muthalika.

Micah Challenge would like to invite all stakeholders to join hands in standing up against poverty, and mark Micah Sunday on 15th October 2006 with their church.

Sunday 15th October this year is Micah Sunday, an annual day in the church calendar to pray for, and take part in, the Micah Challenge campaign. This year we are asking Christians in to Stand Up Against Poverty and be part of a world-record attempt!

The Global Call to Action against Poverty (GCAP) in collaboration with the National Civil Society Taskforce on Millennium Development Goals, of which Micah Challenge is a member, is organizing a global Stand Up Against Poverty, where literally people around the world stand-up and say they want to help reduce poverty. In churches on the Micah Sunday people would do any of the following:

  • Introduce the Micah Challenge campaign to their congregation using the Micah Challenge brochure.

  • Have a moment of silence in which everyone is invited to stand and meditate on what scripture says about justice, mercy, poverty, and what these means to our walk with God as individuals and as a church, locally, nationally and globally.

  • Pray for the Micah Challenge campaign and the fight against poverty in and around the world as part of their intercessory prayers.

  • Ask their congregation to sign the Micah Call, a statement of support for the campaign.

Micah Challenge Malawi will be developing more resources and organizing more events in the coming months to help the church engage in the campaign – in particular we will be asking you to join the Micah Challenge Malawi coalition by signing the Micah Call as a church or organization. However, before that we hope you will join us in marking Micah Sunday this year and making a stand against poverty!

The Micah Challenge campaign is being led by a Steering Committee. The Committee members are as follows:

Rev. Vincent Chirwa, President Baptist Convention

Mrs. Rachael Ntaba, National Director PACWA

Bishop. Matoga, President Pentecostal Assemblies Of

Patrick Semphere, National Director Trans World Radio

Charles Gwengwe, Coordinator Micah Challenge

Rev. Francis Mkandawire, General Secretary, Evangelical Association of

Rev. Daniel Gunya- General Secretary Blantyre Synod

Rev. Dr. Lazarus Chakwera, President, Assemblies of God

Pastor Elijah Adebeyi, National Overseer Deeper Life Bible Church

Rev. Dr. Stanley

Ndhovi, President Living Waters Church

Rev. Maurice Munthali, Vice General Secretary Livingstonia Synod

Rev. C Msangaambe, Moderator Nkhoma Synod

Patrick Kaudzu, General Secretary SCOM

Mrs. Maggie Madimbo, Dean of Studies African Bible College

Victor Mughogho, National Coordinator, Eagles Relief and Dev. Program


Simekinala Kaluzi, Programs Officer, CONGOMA

Rev. Canaan Phiri, General Secretary, Council of Churches

Andrew Kumbatira, Executive Director MEJN

Vincent Moyo, Regional Advisor, Tear Fund

Micah Challenge has resource kits for use by churches. The kits and any further information could be obtained by emailing us at [email protected] or [email protected] phoning on 08874813 or writing to the above address.

Note to Editors:

For further information, contact Charles Gwengwe, Micah Challenge Coordinator, 08874813 or [email protected]

Available for Interview on request are:

Rev. Vincent Chirwa, Chairman Micah Challenge

Bishop Matonga, Publicity Secretary

Rev. Francis Mkandawire, General Secretary, Evangelical Association of

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