Sri Lanka: Incident Report, Oct. 16, 2006

National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka (NCEASL)

Incident Report

Prayer Centre (independent) – Hingurakgoda
16th October 2006

16th October 2006 The Prayer Centre was set on fire during the night by unidentified persons. Some of the items including an electronic keyboard, carpet and mats were stolen. Bibles and hymn books were burnt. Thankfully the fire had not spread. The interior of the building was also desecrated with human waste.
The Pastor and his wife usually sleep in the building to protect the premises. However, on this day they were away and the building was left unattended.
A Police entry was made and the Police are conducting investigations.

AOG Church – Alpitiya
16th October 2006
16th October 2006 A couple visiting the house of the pastor were accosted by some persons. They were threatened not to visit the Pastor and verbally abused.
Advocacy Desk
16th October 2006

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