Sri Lanka: Incident Report – October 23, 2006


Vinyard Community Church – Gonawela (Kurunegala District)
23rd October 2006

A Church member was staying at the Church to guard it. With him were his wife, 1 1/2 year old baby and his mother in law and another lady. At approximately midnight, they heard a car arrive and five men got off. They proceeded to damage the electricity meter, disconnecting the electricity supply to the Church. The Church worker came out to investigate. The men identified themselves as Police officers from the Pannala Police station (but did not show any identification). They proceeded to assault the worker with a club causing injury. Some of them threatened the women. The mother in law was caught by the neck and pushed. A gold necklace worn by one of the women was snatched. The child was shaken aggressively. They threatened the family to leave. Flower pots, vases, and other breakable items were smashed on the floor and destroyed.

The injured worker was admitted to the Ragama hospital. He was passing blood with his urine and suffering from severe pain in his lower abdomen.

A complaint was made to the Pannala Police. No arrests have been made so far. The perpetrators of this crime are guilty not only of causing bodily harm, assault and theft but also impersonating Police officers. One of the persons who arrived in the car is an excise officer residing in the area and was identified by the victims.

Vinyard Community Church – Gonawela (Kurunegala District)
30th October 2006

30th October 2006Since the above incident, different members of the congregation were taking turns to guard the Church. At approximately 4 pm, about 10 men arrived at the Church carrying 2 guns and threatened the couple who were guarding the Church. They proceeded to pour fuel on the floor and set fire to the Church. However, thankfully, the building did not catch fire. They attempted to set fire to 3 places but the fire burned only a carpet. The couple who were inside fled in fear of the guns and called the Police. By the time the Police arrived, the men had been gone for over 1/2 an hour.

A complaint was made to the Pannala Police again.

Calvary Chapel of Lanka – Polhena (Galle District)
30th October 2006

30th October 2006The Pastor was accosted by a some men in the town at approximately 9 am. About 2 or 3 persons beat him up while others watched. He was admitted to the Matara hospital and treated for injuries to his arm.

A complaint was made to the Matara Police. Entry No: MCR 4755/06

In a previous incident, a large mob prevented this Church from constructing a building.
Advocacy Desk
03rd November 2006

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