Unique Ministry in Sierra Leone Locates Families for Inmates


From Stephen Abu, National Director

Following is a summary of ministry highlights from Sierra Leone Youth for Christ:


  • Schools: Presently there is ministry into five schools with an average attendance of 235 pupils this month. Ministry includes bible teaching, fun time and one-on-one contact. Pupils as well as the teachers appreciate the ministry.
  • Clinic: As we pray and share the word of God with the patients, we can see that their lives are transformed by the way they are receptive to the word of God. The nurses always join us in the prayer and preaching time. 28 adults and 21 children were reached and 19 prayed to receive Jesus Christ.
  • Police: The Tuesday police ministry in Blama is successfully going on. They are indeed proving to be a force for good by the way they give themselves to the word of God with 25 attending this month. It is our prayer that they continue to serve the Lord.
  • Family Tracing, Kenema:  Thank God for the opportunity to trace families of 16 inmates and for the positive response from 5 of them. Thank God for one of those family members who has decided to foot the bill of one of the inmates at the prison.
  • Book of Hope: Thank God for the partnership with the AOG missionaries in Kenema to reach out to 19 schools distributing the ‘Book of Hope’ and for the opportunity to promote Youth for Christ in those schools. We now have pportunity to start ministry in two of those schools; 87 young people attended the first meeting.
  • Operation Hannah: A successful meeting with four churches where Operation Hannah functions. Pray that their plans for next year will succeed. Pray for the many younger churches that are dealing with the challenging issues of breakaways that God will give wisdom to the leadership.
  • Music Festival: Celebrate God with us for organizing a musical festival for young people from various churches. Thank God for the new music ministry as their maiden performance was a marvel.
  • Leadership: Appreciative of the opportunity to train 12 student leaders at the Holy Trinity Secondary Kenema on various leadership topics such as obedience, how to study the bible, planning your Christian life and many more.

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