The Challenges of Baby Boomers in Japan


My first day as general secretary of the JEA started in Sendai delivering relief supplies to survivors of the Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster. I had no idea what to do in the midst of such tremendous devastation. But as I look back, I can clearly see that the Lord has been there all the time, touching people with His love and carrying burdens with us. I also really appreciate the prayers and support from the global Christian community. We are so encouraged by your prayers!

Japanese society is certainly coming to a turning point in its history. The demographic change within (the baby boomer issue in this newsletter is one of them) and the shifting trends in the global economy are forcing the status quo to change. Yet no one is able to see clearly into the future. The true hope and the meaning of life in Jesus Christ is needed here more than ever. Please continue to pray for Japan!

Kenichi Shinagawa
General Secretary
Japan Evangelical Association


> Read the Japan Spring Update: The Challenges of Baby Boomers in Japan (PDF)

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