WEA Was Shocked by the Forced Abortion of a Baby at Seven Months in Shaanxi, China


New York, NY – June 17, 2012

The World Evangelical Alliance community is outraged by the forced abortion of an unborn child in the seventh month of pregnancy in Shaanxi, China. The report of a woman who was forcibly brought to a hospital in Ankang city to terminate her second pregnancy on June 2nd caused upset among WEA’s community worldwide.

The WEA took notice that the Shaanxi Provincial Population and Family Planning Commission, which oversees the family planning work in the province, has ordered local officials in Zhenping county to launch an investigation, relieving officials of their duty and pledging that anyone found responsible for the forced abortion will be punished according to relevant laws and regulations. Being aware that there are potentially similar occurrences in the country, the WEA respectfully calls upon the Chinese government to ensure that these tragic incidents are prevented from happening in the future.

The WEA extends its deep condolence to the family and asks the WEA Community to pray for members of the family in their time of heartache.

PRESS CONTACT: [email protected]

The WEA is the largest global evangelical body with a network of churches in 129 nations and an alliance of 100 international organizations representing over 600 million Christians worldwide. It representatively speaks as a trusted voice on behalf of global evangelicalism, connects diverse Evangelical church networks and ministries for effective collaborative action, and actively equips their needs with valuable resources to optimize their impact. For more info e-mail at [email protected] or go to Worldea.org. 

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