Religious Liberty Prayer News – November, 2012


"LORD, you are the God who saves me; day and night I cry out to you.
May my prayer come before you; turn your ear to my cry"

Psalm 88:1-2

Homes raided, Christian literature and Bibles confiscated in AZERBAIJAN

Azerbaijan 7 November, It is reported that Police raided a worship meeting in Aliabad, Azerbaijan, confiscating religious literature and Bibles.

According to reports, the Police detained and questioned 1 person at the meeting.

In a separate incident, the Police questioned another Christian after raiding a home in the same village; seizing more religious literature including Bibles.

The State Committee for Work with Religious Organisations commenting on the incident said that the confiscated literature would be returned to their owners if nothing illegal is found in the books.

Prayer points:

  • Pray for Christians in Azerbaijan who continue to face restrictions from the authorities
  • Pray that the Christian literature and Bibles confiscated in the raids would be returned
  • Pray that the authorities would act in a just manner when dealing with Christians

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Pastor killed; 11 others injured in attack on Church in KENYA

4 November, A pastor was killed and 11 others were injured when suspected Islamic extremists hurled explosives at a Church in Garissa, Kenya.

The incident occurred at the Administrative Police Church building located in a predominant Muslim area in Garissa.

According to reports, the explosion immediately killed Pastor Juliun Mukonzi and injured 11 others. 3 of the injured persons were airlifted to Nairobi.

In a statement released on the incident, the Garissa Pastors Fellowship said that more than 20 Christians have been killed in recent Islamic terrorist attacks in Garissa.

The radical Islamic group, Al-Shabaab, has been blamed for the hostilities.

Prayer points:

  • Please pray that Jesus' comforting presence rests upon the family grieving the loss of Pastor Juliun Mukonzi
  • Pray for God's healing mercy upon those injured in the attacks
  • Pray for protection over Christians in Kenya
  • Pray that the Islamic extremist group, Al-Shabaab, would cease all violence against Christians

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4 Christians convicted in IRAN

1 November, 4 Iranian Christians who were detained following a raid on their Church in Ahvaz in December 2011, have been convicted of their charges on 15 October.

Pastor Farhad, his wife Shahnaz and 2 other Church members were tried and convicted on the charges of "converting to Christianity, inviting Muslims to convert and propagating against the Islamic regime through promoting Evangelical Christianity."

They were each given a suspended sentence of 1 year's imprisonment. The Court also ruled that all their Christian materials be confiscated.

It is also reported that the Church these Christians belong to, has now ceased meeting in fear of further raids.

Prayer points:

  • Pray for the Holy Spirit's guidance upon Pastor Farhad, Shahnaz, Davoud and Naser as they decide whether to appeal the sentence
  • Pray for the Spirit's wisdom and guidance upon Christians in Ahvaz concerning meeting together for worship
  • Pray that the authorities would not restrict Christians of recognised churches from meeting for worship, prayer, Bible study and fellowship


The World Evangelical Alliance is a global ministry working with local churches around the world to join in common concern to live and proclaim the Good News of Jesus in their communities. God is glorified and the nations of the earth are forever transformed.

The purpose of the WEA Religious Liberty Prayer Release is to keep you informed and mobilized in prayer and intercession for the needs of justice and religious liberty in the Church around the globe, so that we can stand together for the work of the Kingdom and the healing of the Nations. The Prayer Release is comprised on the basis of different credible Christian based resources.

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