To Members, Friends and Partners of the Latvian Evangelical Alliance


Time goes incredibly fast; it seems like just recently before last Christmas I wrote a letter to you all. Now I’m looking back again to this last year 2012, and reflecting on what is done in LEA, dreams that have been realised and also the things that are still waiting for their right time and birth.
I have HUGE thankfulness in my heart to God that we could experience all the significant things that God is doing in Latvia – both seen and unseen –, and for the graceful and loving Father’s heart which He has poured out on us, because without Him we can do nothing.

The year 2012 has been very significant for the development of LEA; it marks a beginning of a new season, because in the beginning of the year president Vadim Kovalev passed his seven-year faithfully carried torch to the new president of LEA – Modris Ozolinkevics. Also, a new team and board of LEA started its work: Modris Ozolinkēvičs, Inga Ziņģe-Pupiņa, Ilze Čodare, Mārtiņš Irbe, Gunta Irbe, Vjačeslavs Altuhovs, Charles Kelley, Lienīte Bēmere, Ilze Saulīte, Nadežda Jukša, Kaspars Prūsis, Nils Vēbers, Gints Lūsis-Grinbergs, Raivo Šastakovičs, Ivo Roderts, Kristaps Āboltiņš, Jānis Šmits, Dennis Sink, Jānis Liniņš. I’m also thankful to Roberts Vaitkus (LEA webpage administrator), Natalija Antonevica and Sandra Jermacane (translators of news articles into Russian and English) for their ministry. Thanks to everyone for your prayers and ministry! May the Father keep forming us as a team, so that we can fully give further that which we ourselves have received in His grace, because LEA unites people who have something to give!!!

We still believe that the biggest challenge for LEA is to be the salt and the light of the world by touching all spheres of influence in society – 7 mountains: business, family, art and media, government, education, technology and science; and to be a relevant part of a new Spiritual revival in Latvia.

Events in 2012 we would like to point out in particular:

  • On 31 May, Riga City council, in the grand meeting room, seminar on ‘Culture of Honor’ in collaboration with one of the worldwide known lectors, author of many books, including ‘Culture of Honor’ (2009), Danny Silk
    Picture Gallery ‘Culture of Honor’
  • Representation by Inga Zinge Pupina in General Assembly 2012 of European Evangelical Alliance in Barcelona, 8 -10 October.
    Picture Gallery
  • LEA newsletter, which is sent once a week to around 1000 recipients from all Latvia
  • Representation in Christian church board meetings in Riga City council

LEA as a partner:

  • The opening of Christian Global business network on 30 May and working on the project
    Picture Gallery
  • Conference for Teachers of Christian faith ‘Integration of Biblical Principles in Education’ on 20 and 21 October
  • Prayer breakfast of Latvia on 2 November 2012, in Riga, Maza Gilde
  • Prayer Network of Latvia

LEA as an information partner:

  • Disciple Training school ‘Equipping Saints for Ministry’
  • Baltic Youth Festival on 9 June
  • Prayer night ‘7:7’, on 10 February
  • ‘Sela’ prayer event on 25 February
  • ”Healing Rooms” conference
  • Planting new churches – conference
  • History Makers worship school
  • Worship symposium ‘In His Presence’
  • BYF prayer and fasting day, on 30 March
  • Prayer night, 06.04 – 07.04.
  • ‘I wanted to live’ conference 12.04.
  • Prophetic conference 21.04.
  • Society ‘Association Family’ invites!
  • Prayer conference 2012
  • Invitation to 24/7 prayer chain
  • Seminar ‘Art of Prayer’ 17.06.
  • HM United: Made to GO
  • Invitation to Mezaparks platform 23.06.
  • Heartbeats of Tallinn 24.07 – 29.07.2012
  • Fasting ‘Pniel’
  • CBMC-Latvia events 12 and 13 October
  • Holiness of Life – conference 13.10.
  • Let’s seek God’s face 2012!
  • Global Leadership Summit Latvia
  • ‘Church, Family and School’, conference
  • Opening of the book ‘Feet’ by G. Kalme
  • History Makers EVENING 09.11.
  • Seminar on worship 17.11.
  • Healing meeting 30.11.
  • ‘Latvia without Orphans’  conference
  • ICEJ Latvia invites! 

These people joined LEA platform and became official members this year:

Jānis Liniņš, entrepreneur
Gints Lūsis-Grinbergs, entrepreneur, pastor
Estere Lūsis-Grinberga, musician
Nils Vēbers, entrepreneur
Jānis Šmits, deputy of Riga City council

We are thankful and say a HUGE THANKS to our members, friends and partners for their faithfulness and support of our joined work. We thank you for your prayers and seeds of finance, because unfortunately without these two things no spiritual project can exist, also the LEA platform.

We wish you to meet the celebration of the birth of Christ in your families.

In true love of Christ,
In the name of LEA board and team,

Inga Zinge-Pupina 
LEA vice-president


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