Association of Evangelicals in Africa: Afroscope Newsletter End of Year 2012


A Newsletter from The Association of Evangelicals in Africa



Christmas Greetings

Another year rolls away! The year 2012, like any other year has had its highs and lows, the changing fortunes of the movement of time in space, the vicissitudes of life on this side of eternity.

AEA as a movement had its moments. The last quarter of the year was particularly momentous. The Governing Council meeting in Senegal which was preceded by the Holistic Child Development Seminar was the crescendo, with 85 participants from 35 nations in Africa apart from our international guests and local missionaries. The significance of our gathering is manifested by the resolutions and Dakar declarations, among others. The resolutions highlight core elements of the work of the movement for the next couple of years. The Council was also affirming of the direction of AEA under the leadership of our President and Executive Chair and Board. As a staff team we are privileged to serve under the direction and guidance of these church leaders. The Governing Council papers included a comprehensive report of all the service arms of AEA for the period following our last General Assembly in Mombasa in 2010.

However, the anticlimax of the year was the shocking news of the home calling of our dear brother and colleague, Dr. M. Douglas Carew, Vice Chancellor (President) of the Africa International University who literally slept to eternity on a tour of duty in the USA in November. This followed the passing of Mr. Stephen Mugabi, the Executive Secretary of the Relief and Development Commission in September. We will miss the fellowship and outstanding contributions of our two brothers. No doubt, their widows, children and members of their immediate families need our support, love and prayers for God’s grace as they adjust to life without the deceased brothers… Read more



Funeral Service of the Late Dr. Moses Douglas Carew

Dr. Moses Douglas Carew was laid to rest in Nairobi following a moving funeral service that was held at the Nairobi Chapel Church.
In the service Dr. Carew was praised for his courage, determination and his uprightness in all things he did.
His Sister, Mrs. Thelma Rapley, told mourners of how Dr. Carew was the pillar of the family and even in times of struggle and hardship he always had a smile on his face and was a shining example to all… Read more

Theological Reflections

Africa is a blessed continent; indeed blessed with many resources that can make of it a paradise. These resources are natural, mineral, energy and even human. Spiritually it is a known fact that Africa is even more blessed than any other continent in the world, with new churches being established daily. Experts rightly predicted that from this continent the gospel will soon be taken to other parts of the world, including to those who once brought it to us… Read more

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WEA General Assembly October 18-27, 2014, in Seoul, Korea, working with Christian Council of Korea:

The General Assembly will aim to:
– Foster Christian unity
– Provide a worldwide identity, voice and platform to Evangelical Christians
– Equip the 129 National Alliances and other members
– Serve as a unified voice of evangelicals on key worldwide topics
– Connect Evangelical Christians with one another

Expected outcomes:
– Greater confidence in God’s Word, and His leading
– Evangelical identity strengthened
– Evangelical unity expressed strongly around a shared commitment to Bible engagement
– Evangelical Alliances (current and developing) equipped for effective leadership
– Personal relationships strengthened
– Relationships between the constituent parts of WEA clarified

Participants will include:
– Leaders of Evangelical Alliances
– People active in WEA Commissions, Task Forces etc.
– WEA Associate Members and Global Partners
– Many other invited guests (global and local)



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