Let’s Super Spread Hope! Appeal for Support from Evangelical Fellowship of India


By Evangelical Fellowship of India

Greetings from Evangelical Fellowship of India,

As India struggles with a massive and severe second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, the loss of lives is mounting up. Till now, the nation has lost over 246,000 people to this virus and these are just the official numbers. India has now confirmed Covid-19 cases of 21,400,000 plus and counting as of 10th May 2021. The daily confirmed cases are the highest in the world with nearly 400,000 cases being reported every day for the last two weeks.

Hospitals are overburdened and medical personnel are finding it hard to cope up not only because of the sudden and massive increase in the number of cases, but also especially in the light of lack of medical supplies particularly oxygen. Many patients have died because of lack of oxygen at the right time.

The poor, migrants, homeless and the marginalized have again been the hardest hit by the various lockdowns in different parts of the country. They have lost their jobs and their hope. Many have nothing to eat.

Crematoriums and graveyards are packed as people line up the bodies of their loved ones for the last rites. Parks are being converted into crematoriums to deal with this new reality.

The Church too has suffered losses and many Bishops, Pastors and leaders have been lost to Covid-19. It is estimated that over 400 pastors and Church leaders have succumbed to Covid-19. Churches have been unable to meet for weeks now, a pattern we also saw last year, and has resulted in economic hardships for pastors and evangelists who are dependent on the offerings of the congregations. It is a desperate situation.

The time is to pray earnestly and to extend relief and hope to a nation that is struggling. We believe that as Children of God, Christians have been called by Him to pray for the world at this time and to act in generous ways so that the poor, needy and marginalized would be cared for.

Through this letter, we are appealing to you to help strengthen our hands as we seek to reach out to needy people both in the family of God and to those who are outside.

Last year, with the help of friends and supporters like you, we were able to reach out with emergency supplies and direct cash transfers to over 32000 beneficiaries through our network of thousands of Churches across the nation. Our ration kits contained foodsupplies that can last a family for at least 3 weeks. These supplies cost us around 2500 Indian Rupees (35 USD approx.)

Plan for relief in the second wave

With your help, we plan to provide food relief to at least 3000 families (15000 beneficiaries approximately) to help them weather this difficult time. Many of these families have been identified and many are still being added to our list.

We are also hopeful of providing a grant of 55,000 (764 USD) to around 100 families that have lost their primary breadwinner. This grant can be used to start a small business so that they can sustain themselves.

The total budget for the first phase of relief is as below:

We request you to please consider this appeal prayerfully and help as God enables you. A detailed report will be submitted with proper documentation and regular updates would be given on our website and through emails.

Please donate generously using the following details:

Contributions from within India

Account Name: Evangelical Fellowship of India

Account Number: 909844182

Bank: Indian Bank Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019


For Indian Donors: Please mention covid relief in your transaction. Please also send us your PAN Card details, your email address, phone number, as well as a screenshot of your transaction (if possible) at this email: [email protected]

Contributions from outside India

Account Name: Evangelical Fellowship of India

Account Number: 40084605807

IFSC: SBIN0000691

Bank: State Bank of India, 11 Parliament Street, New Delhi.


Branch Code: 00691

For Donors from outside India: Please mention covid relief in your transaction. Please also send us your email address, phone number, as well as a screenshot of your transaction (if possible) at this email: [email protected].

We look forward to your support in this endeavor.

Rev. Vijayesh Lal
General Secretary
Evangelical Fellowship of India]]>

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