Evangelical Review of Theology Journal Moves Online, Available for Free


The Evangelical Review of Theology (ERT), a quarterly journal of the World Evangelical Alliance’s (WEA) Theological Commission since 1977, has moved online and is now available free in downloadable PDF form for the first time. It will also be available in print format, published by Wipf & Stock, for libraries, universities and others who prefer to receive hard copies.
“The new ERT will be an invaluable resource to reach the body of Christ and our partners around the world with strategic, carefully prepared messages,” said Dr. Thomas Schirrmacher, WEA Associate Secretary General for Theological Concerns and General Editor of the publication. “ERT’s new status will enable us to attract articles from some of the world’s most powerful Christian voices, as well as to communicate the insights of the WEA’s gifted leaders on a much broader platform.”
Bp Efraim Tendero, Secretary General of the WEA, commented, “With a history of 44 years of providing theological perspectives and insights on contemporary issues, we are very pleased to now offer the ERT online free of charge. We trust that this selection of contributions from different parts of the world will be inspiring and informative.”
Bp Tendero contributed a two-page essay to the August issue summarizing his reflections on the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on global evangelical activity. Other topics in the August issue include a new collaboration with the world’s largest Muslim organization to reshape global ethical norms and counter Islamic extremism; the correlation between church growth and discipleship; the benefits of embracing religious diversity in the workplace; and more.
The August edition can be downloaded here.
To subscribe for future electronic editions, sign up here.
Hard copies of each issue will still be available at a cost of $16 each plus postage from Wipf and Stock Publishers at [email protected].]]>

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