WEA Global Institute of Leadership: Video Stories and Upcoming Events


Do you want to be encouraged and inspired? Would it be helpful as you recruit members, staff or seek to raise money for your National Alliance to have some stories you can share that help explain your own vision? Please check out three amazing stories from your colleagues, fellow National Alliance leaders and a video explaining the vision of the Global Institute of Leadership.

WEA GIL Introduction

Who Represents Evangelicals? The amazing growth of the evangelical church makes the role of 130 National Evangelical Alliances who serve and represent global evangelicals more urgent than ever. This video describes the vision of the WEA, the role of National Evangelical Alliances and the work of the Global Institute of Leadership (GIL) to serve these alliances in their strategic role.

GIL Community

Community. Building relationships to serve the communities where we live is the essential role of evangelicals to display the gospel. Even those who consider us as enemies will shed those suspicions when relationships are built. Relationship building is the key but it takes time and intentionality.

GIL Strength in Unity   

The Church has to be a united body. The role of a national evangelical alliance is to facilitate that unity in its nation. Unity not for unity sake, but to have common reflection and then common united action on issues that concern us. Then the victories of the church in any nation of the world becomes a victory that the church in any nation can celebrate. That is the unique place of the WEA.

GIL The Voice for the Voiceless  

National Evangelical Alliances serve in a representative role to be a voice for the voiceless. The alliance serves by helping the church do works of love in serving the poor in practical ways. When the church leads by example, the people of a nation began to see what true love is. The government sees the local church as an essential partner in the community.


Stories of Impact:

New Zealand’s Alliance: Partners with WomenAsOne Social Network

Rachel Afeaki-Taumoepeau is the Regional General Secretary for the South Pacific Alliance. She had been a board member of the New Zealand Christian Network (NZCN) since 2014 and from 2015, Rachel co-leads as the South Pacific Executive Director for the WEA Women’s Commission- set up to encourage women in leadership in church and across all spheres of influence, gender equality from a biblical perspective and anti-human/child trafficking. Recently, she was invited to be part of a newly commissioned WEA Strategy Roadmap working to develop strategies to serve the Global Evangelical community.
As the Regional General Secretary for the South Pacific region, she is working within an emerging region being supported by the WEA and NZCN to engage more island nations. The New Zealand Alliance will support Rachel in her role to engage and grow the South Pacific region – an emerging region within the WEA compared to the other 8 regions globally. With the National Alliance Papua New Guinea the plan for the next two years will be to engage nations: Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Tonga and Fiji and work collaboratively with Australia, Africa and Europe to develop a thriving sustainable alliance for the region.
To enhance women involvement, Rachel started the South Pacific Women’s Commission. Both the South Pacific Women’s Commission and the New Zealand Alliance partners with the WomenAsOne social media network. The impact of this social media network provides a platform where women of faith can share their profiles, ministry stories and events. WomenAsOne purpose is to encourage women of faith across the South Pacific region to share their leadership stories and the good news.
Upcoming webinar: WEA Webinar on Artificial Intelligence – March 5th, 2020]]>

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