Re-Forma: Providing a Global Standard for Biblical Training


In response to the crisis of insufficiently trained church leadership, Re-Forma was launched to ensure that millions of pastors and church leaders are biblically-trained by providing a recognized, global standard for outcome- and impact-based assessment.

Studies show that over 90% of all pastors do not have a formal theological education. According to statistics, that equates to well over 2 million Protestant pastors worldwide. In addition, every year thousands of new Protestant churches are established, very often without a trained pastor or preacher. The biggest crisis facing the evangelical, global church today is the fact that most pastors, missionaries, and Christian leaders are under-educated or not educated at all. Re-Forma has set as its goal to fundamentally remedy this situation.
Re-Forma provides training of trainers and its website enables partner educational organizations to connect and to facilitate delivery.

Founded on outcome- and impact-based assessment, Re-Forma provides recognized benchmarks for informal and nonformal biblically-based ministry through 2 distinctive programs:

  1. Guidelines for evaluating the over 40000 training programs for ministry competency; and
  2. Guidelines for start-up organizations wanting to train many thousands of church leaders annually, to narrow the gap.

The world desperately needs Christian leaders who know the Scripture and can effectively serve the church. For these servants, Re-Forma awards a Certificate of global recognition, underwritten by the World Evangelical Alliance.

“We have personally contacted over 7000 leaders around the world and informed them of this program, which has resulted in almost 280 groups enrolling in 42 countries,” says Program Director Dr Reuben van Rensburg.
He continues, “the response has been amazing as God urges leaders to become properly equipped for ministry. The program has already been translated from English into Spanish, French, Portuguese and Hindi, and is soon to be translated into German and Telugu. The plan is to have it available in as many languages as possible.”
Find out more about Re-Forma and enroll a group to help ministers around you get equipped biblically.]]>

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