WEA International Council Elects Additional Co-Opted Members, Appoints Chairman and Other Officers


During its first virtual meeting, the newly elected International Council (IC) of the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) elected two women leaders as co-opted IC members, strengthening its diversity and range of expertise. It also appointed Rev. Dr. Goodwill Shana as its Chairman, Rev. Dr. Frank Hinkelmann from Austria as Vice-Chair, Mr. John Langlois as Secretary and Mr. Ken Artz as Treasurer. Together, they form the IC’s Executive Committee.

Ms. Judy Kalinga has been an advocate of the High Court of Kenya for more than two decades and serves as Legal Advisor to the Board of the Association of Evangelicals in Africa. Her calling is to use her gifts and expertise to defend the cause of the poor and needy, and challenge Christian lawyers to take up legal aid as a ministry.

Dr. Snehal Pinto serves as Director of Ryan International Group of Institutions in India and is a former President of the Association of Schools for the Indian Schools Certificate. With her extensive background in education, teaching and leadership, she strives to improve the quality of school education across her country.

As part of the newly-elected 14-member IC, Ms. Kalinga and Dr. Pinto will contribute to the vision and mission of WEA, which is to serve and strengthen Evangelical Alliances around the world, in order to enable the Church to advance the Good News of Jesus Christ and effect personal and community transformation for the glory of God.

Upon assuming his role as IC Chairman, Dr. Shana shared the following statement:

“I am deeply honored and privileged to have been elected as chairman of WEA International Council. With this honor and privilege comes the deep responsibility of ensuring that WEA transitions to become more organizationally and operationally functional and effective, as well effective in engaging the broad spectrum of its evangelical stakeholders, partners and friends. The recently elected IC and the newly formatted Secretary General’s Office will, in particular, seek to tap into the strength -in- diversity of the WEA family in order to bear Kingdom fruit and make an eternal impact on the communities that we serve at local, national as well as global levels. I’m confident that the faith commitment and passion to serve, which has always characterized the evangelical community will find a greater expression of unity in mission in this new season of WEA. I am looking forward to engaging and hopefully meet as many members, stakeholders, partners and friends of the WEA family as is possible. I pray that this happens in the interim but if does not then we will at least meet at the General assembly to be held in Bali Indonesia November 7 -13th, 2019. Much grace and blessing.”

Read also: WEA Announces New Members of Its International Council
Learn more about the upcoming WEA General Assembly at www.bali2019.org.


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