Our Hope for 2019 – New Year’s Message


Welcome to 2019! Let us welcome the New Year by reflecting anew on the prayer that the Lord Jesus taught to his disciples. “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10 ESV).

When God’s Kingdom comes, there is peace, justice and righteousness for all, the basic needs of each person are met, and Jesus Christ is recognized as Lord of all.

When we consider the transforming power of this Kingdom, is it any wonder we long to see His Kingdom come?

Matthew 24:14 reveals that the Gospel of the Kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world and then the end will come. This Gospel has spiritual, social and physical implications, all of which are important to God and should be important to us.

As believers, our Kingdom aspirations include the fullness of life for each person, healthy churches in every community, a well-equipped leadership for every congregation, and the shalom of God for every nation.

As the global organization that serves the world’s 600 million evangelicals, the World Evangelical Alliance performs an indispensable role in fulfilling these aspirations. In places like Kosovo and Bulgaria, our voice has been influential in persuading the government to respect religious freedom. This is just one example of the WEA’s impact in spreading God’s Kingdom and we are grateful for such a significant opportunity.

Moreover, by enabling evangelicals to network and work collaboratively, duplication of efforts is avoided, competition eliminated, and effectiveness enhanced. The result: the blessing of well-trained leadership and support in places where Christians are a minority or local resources are limited.

We want to see the fulfillment of the prophecy found in Isaiah 11:9 (ESV), “For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.” Whether at the local, regional, national or international level, all believers play a part in the great mission of advancing God’s Kingdom.

Thank you for doing your part. Thank you for helping the WEA as we work diligently to resource, support and advocate for evangelicals around the world.

May 2019 be a year of God’s favor and one in which we see his Kingdom come in this world.

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