Rise in Strength – Global Consultation for Women in International Christian Leadership


For the first time ever, women leaders from across the world will have their own forum to contribute ideas and dreams about women, faith, and mission.

‘Rise In Strength’, held in Amsterdam, Netherlands, from 2-5 June 2019 will provide a unique space to:

  • tap into your wisdom and experience to gauge what women around the globe face in their lives and how they contribute to the church
  • provide data and stories about the roles and work of Christian women across the world
  • call on the church to respond to our insights so that women and men can lead together more effectively

At a time of increased division over the contribution and power of women, we want to be a voice of authority, experience, and grace. How can we join forces to reach out to the unreached? What resources can we share? What is our message to the church and to the world? 

All female leaders with global impact are invited to attend. ‘Rise in Strength’ comes from a partnership between the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) Women’s Commission and the Lausanne Movement’s Women in Evangelism network.

If you are interested in this gathering, please contact [email protected].

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