Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe Calls for a Stop to Xenophobic Attacks in South Africa

From the Association of Evangelicals in Africa 
The Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe has released a press statement calling for a stop to xenophobic attacks that have rocked South Africa. In the Press Statement released on the 5th of September 2019, EFZ leaders deplored the indiscriminate attacks against foreigners and urged the government of South Africa to uphold its constitution and seek to protect constitutionally enshrined rights.

The Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe (EFZ) highlighted the sanctity of human life and God’s own injunctions on murder and violence against foreigners. The statement further read, “it is regrettable that “other people” from other parts of Africa are being accused in (wholesale fashion) for the social and economic problems in South Africa.”

A joint statement from Zimbabwe Heads of Christian Denominations (ZHOCD) also noted that there needs to be a long term solution to the challenges faced in South Africa and in the region. The joint statement reads, “Going forward, we note that violence will not end the political, social and economic challenges bedeviling the region. Fallout between South Africa and other African countries will only have disastrous consequences on regional integration and pause a security threat in the region. Hence, the need for comprehensive, inclusive and truthful conversations in dealing with challenges confronting the SADC region.”

To read the Full EFZ statement please click here

To read the joint Statement from Zimbabwe Heads of Christian Denominations (ZHOCD) please click here

The AEA fraternity is saddened by the happenings in South Africa and joins the call for a halt to the violence and swift joint action of the Africa Union,  South African Development Community (SADC) and the wider Civil Society to address these issues. We pray for peace and stability in the region and for God's comfort to the families affected in this ongoing crisis. 

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