WEA Holds Associate Member Consultation in Kona, Hawaii to Strengthen Collaboration


Hosted by Youth With A Mission’s (YWAM) University of Nations in Kona, Hawaii, leaders of the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) have met together with representatives of Associate and Church Network members to hear about their ministries and explore ways to strengthen collaboration. It was the first time, the WEA held a Consultation specifically focused on serving its Associate Members, co-hosted by the National Association of Evangelicals, WEA’s national member body in the United States.

Each member was given an opportunity to present their work and exchange ideas with other organizations about areas of common concern. The program also featured sessions on better understanding National Evangelical Alliances and discussions on experiences, potential and challenges of working with Alliances around the world.

“We’re excited about the outcome of this first Associate Member Consultation and would like to build on this foundation of stronger relationships,” Bishop Efraim Tendero, Secretary General of the WEA, commented. “There are many member organizations who are already doing great and important work. Bringing them together creates even greater opportunities to work together and increase the impact to something greater than each of them could accomplish individually.”

The Consultation was hosted by YWAM at the invitation of its founder, Dr. Loren Cunningham, who shared about their vision and ministries in nearly every country of the world and how God has used them over many years to reach young people for Christ and God’s mission. Commenting on YWAM’s hospitality, Bp Tendero said: “We are grateful for YWAM’s generosity to host us in Kona and the many great stories we have heard. Their desire to serve and their Kingdom-minded partnership approach is truly inspirational.”

Bp Efraim Tendero, Secretary General of the WEA, welcomes participants to the Associate Members Consultation.

Dr. Loren Cunningham, founder of YWAM, introduces their global ministry.

John Bastian, CFO and Interim President, speaks about Youth for Christ International.


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