WEA Geneva UN Liaison Office Searches for New Advocacy Officer


The World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) is looking for a full-time Advocacy Officer – ideally from the Global South – to become part of the WEA Geneva UN Liaison team. The role will be key to accomplishing a new step in the team’s mission that started in 2012. The goal of the Geneva office is to strengthen the voice of the 600 million evangelicals worldwide in order to achieve positive structural changes in their countries, improving rule of law, freedom of conscience, religious freedom, minority rights, social justice, development and good governance.

Where possible, the office works with representatives of evangelical constituencies such as the national Evangelical Alliances and seeks to reinforce and equip them. It also encourages them to work in partnership with others that share joint advocacy objectives and invites them to present their thrust towards their national political leaders who report to the international bodies in Geneva.

The WEA seeks to give evangelicals an opportunity to raise their voice for the vulnerable in their respective context. The new Advocacy Officer role will help to significantly expand WEA’s efforts to fulfill this mission, alongside Michael Mutzner, Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva (40%) and Albert Hengelaar, Advocacy and Development Officer (50%).

Are you interested or do you know someone with a passion and calling to serve God in such a unique role?

Read the Job Description with more details.

To apply, please send your CV, letter of recommendation and the contact details of two reference persons to: Albert Hengelaar, [email protected], no later than June 30, 2017.

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