Participate in the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP) this Coming November 5 or 12


Scripture affirms that the Christian life is a call to glory through suffering. Accordingly, on a daily basis Christians around the world face persecution in various forms, including discrimination, physical assaults, violence and even death.

The Bible in Hebrews 13:3 command Christians to pray for those suffering as if they themselves were suffering. In other words, the Bible calls us to not only remember those who suffer but also to identify with them in their suffering. In keeping with this scriptural imperative, the International Days of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP) has united millions of Christians around the world in the spirit that scripture commands: If one suffers, we all suffer.

According to statistics, persecution is the daily reality of at least 100 million Christians around the world. These Christians, who face routine harassment and difficulties, often suffer in silence and isolation. Over the years, the IDOP has served as a platform to highlight their stories and advocate their plight. Moreover, in so doing, the IDOP has also been a source of solidarity and encouragement to persecuted Christians by reminding them that they are part of a larger, global family of believers.

We believe that God uses the prayers of his people to strengthen and deliver suffering saints. However, that’s not all. Even though persecution and suffering may be the present reality for some believers, the Scriptures promise that their journey, ultimately would be from ashes to glory. As such, we are convinced that though sorrow is the present reality of those suffering for Christ, triumph is their ultimate reward.

We invite you, therefore, to join us this year on 5th and 12th November as we unite globally to pray for the persecuted. Let’s pray that in spite of the pressure and persecution, our suffering brothers and sisters –where ever they may be in the world — would stand firm in their faith, holding fast to the promises of God in Christ.

Blessings in Christ,

Godfrey Yogarajah
Executive Director
WEA Religious Liberty Commission

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