Christian Economic Forum 2018: Application Now Open!


Taking place for the very first time in Europe, CEF 2018 will be hosted in the beautiful mountains of St. Moritz, Switzerland! By exclusive invitation only, global thought leaders will convene in one of the most stunning places in the world to share new ideas, build purposeful relationships and consider how to pursue excellence in everything.

CEF delegates generate and share content from their personal experiences and insights. This distinctive feature fosters real, actionable ideas, authentic connection, and measureable impact.

CEF is unique in that:

·         each delegate contributes a white paper.

·         the white papers provide the basis for the content discussed at the event.

·         it is a true forum where delegates actively participate, as opposed to simply attending and observing.

CEF convenes global Christian leaders to:

·         collaborate among thought leaders

·         discuss strategic ideas

·         gain purposeful relationships

Panel Discussion Topics

The CEF 2018 theme, Excellence in Everything, comes from Philippians 4:8 and Genesis 1:31. This theme will be woven into the panel discussions on the topics that have been selected to discuss at this year’s event:

·         How to Start, Build and Grow a Great Company

·         Technology Trends – What's Next and How Do We Prepare?

·         Sustainable Poverty Solutions – What Really Works?

·         A Christian Response to Governing Authority

·         Maximizing Our Investments

Host Committee

The 2018 CEF host committee includes:

Chuck Bentley, Matt Bird, Andrew Moedinger, Timo Plutschinski, Jonathan Reckford, Rico Rieder & Eliot Samuels

Application Process

If you are interested in attending the CEF 2018, please get in touch with Timo Plutschinski to begin the application process for this exclusive event.


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