Via Dolorosa Mobile App Features Video-Guide Following Jesus’ Way to the Cross through 14 Places in Jerusalem


That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, becoming conformed unto his death; if by any means I may attain unto the resurrection from the dead. – The Apostle Paul in Philippians 3:10-11.

Newly launched mobile App "Via Dolorosa" invites you to explore Jesus' way through Jerusalem from the place where he was sentenced to death to where he died on the cross and up to the tomb where he was buried. The 14-station video guide, available in the Apple App Store and on Google Play, offers historical information, Biblical references and inputs for reflection that help deepen the understanding and experience of the way of the cross.

Harm Tees, who lives in Jerusalem and serves as General Secretary of the Evangelical Alliance of Israel and WEA's Ambassador to the Holy Land, developed the App with the desire to offer a tool for believers of Christ to experience Jerusalem's Holy Sites. He comments: "To walk the way of suffering, pilgrims come from near and far to Jerusalem, to experience where Jesus died and rose from the dead. It has been our passion to make this App to take you deeper into that experience – whether you will come to Jerusalem or view the App at home, with friends or in your fellowship."

"Users can easily navigate through the city with this off-line App that includes an off-line map (navigating the city by GPS). Even if you never will visit Jerusalem, the App is also a wonderful tool to be used during Lent and highlights Jesus’ last journey from His condemnation to being laid in the tomb," Tees adds.

One user feedback said: "Perfect app to explore the heart of Jerusalem! This unique navigation through the 14 stations of the Via Dolorosa offers outstanding videos, informative explanations and touching reflections and takes you back in time to experience the last day of Jesus."

To learn more about the App, visit: or to download click here.

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