WEA Calls for Prayer for Luis Palau’s Health


The World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) together with the Latin Evangelical Alliance (AEL) invite our global membership to stand together in prayer for Luis Palau in his fight against lung cancer that was revealed just a few days ago. (More information on his recent health announcement can be found in a Christian Post article.)

Bp Efraim Tendero, Secretary General of the WEA, shares:

"We pray for Dr. Luis Palau and his family, including his wife Patricia and his sons Kevin and Andrew who lead the Luis Palau Association, the organization Luis founded and led, giving many years of faithful and outstanding service to the Kingdom of God in world evangelization.

"When one thinks of world renowned evangelists who have made remarkable global impact through the faithful preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the name Luis Palau is ever present. We trust that Luis will be blessed to know that evangelicals around the world and the WEA family will be standing with him in prayer."

The Luis Palau Association has been an associate member of the WEA and many national Evangelical Alliances have worked with this ministry to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to their countries through the fruitful preaching of Luis Palau. Beginning in his native Argentina, Luis became known as the “Billy Graham” of Latin America and his organization ministered the Word of God worldwide for over fifty years, focusing on citywide campaigns and major evangelistic festivals.

We encourage you to watch Luis' personal video health update below to inform your prayers:


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