Afroscope July: A Safari to West Africa; New Building Updates; and more



A Safari to West Africa: Courtesy of WEA Ambassador
By AEA General Secretary, Rev. Dr. Aiah Foday-Khabenje

The WEA Global Ambassador, Dr. Brian Stiller planned to have the AEA General Secretary, my good self, accompany him on a mission to visit four West African national alliances, including Ghana, Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone, June 2-15, 2016. Meeting the National Alliances is core our work at regional and global levels. For reasons beyond Dr. Stiller’s control, I did the visitation to the NEAs alone. I was already in the region before the scheduled date of our trip, for a speaking engagement at 4/14 Children’s conference in Lome, Togo; May 30-June 2, 2016.

A typical day when visiting with a National Evangelical Alliance involves interaction with church leaders, sharing the vision and mission of the regional/global alliance, learning about the work—accomplishment, current activities, challenges, state of the church etc. It is also an opportunity to clarify expectations, the mutual benefit of the alliance family and the biblical and theological significance of the alliance work in the mission of the Church.

This time round, our brothers and sisters were very expectant and had exciting and very rich programmes lined up for our visit. The NEAs were particularly expectant to have a visitor from the global body; the WEA. Programme schedules included, meeting with Church leaders not only of the evangelical alliance but also heads of other church traditions, courtesy calls on government officials (including the head of state in one case), preaching in churches on Sunday. I had the opportunity to share about the work of AEA/WEA and learn about the NEAs.

I was very encouraged about the work of the alliances, especially in Liberia and Sierra Leone. These alliances have a visible and engaging presence of national importance and impacting the wider society with their services. Reports and visible signs of transformation were much of an encouragement to me and their experiences could be of value to other alliances.

Let me take the opportunity and commend these leaders and their nation to you for your prayers and support this month.

Praise and Prayer requests:

  • Lome, is fast becoming an international hub, with a good number of international flights in and out of Lome to other capitals in the region. Trusting God for building a viable national evangelical alliance in Togo. An increasing focus of the Church in Africa on ministry to children.
  • Pray for vitality in the National Evangelical Association of Ghana. The two key leaders in the alliance need our prayers; the President, Bro. Jude Hama is recovering from loss of his spouse and the General Secretary, Bro Divine Kumah for recovery from a debilitating illness.
  • Praise God the NEAs in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea for the end of a devastating Ebola pandemic in the region and the continuing work of the alliances.
God Bless you.


We thank you for your earnest prayer and giving towards the AEA building project. Because of you, we envisage opening the Association of Evangelicals in Africa Center by mid 2017.

We urge you to keep praying and sending in your generous donations.

We will update you throughout the year with building updates and announcements. You are more than welcome to visit the project and see for yourself how your support is making a huge difference on site.

Thank you again for investing in the Association of Evangelicals in Africa.

The Essentials of Our Christian Faith and Action

By Rev. Ezekiel Jako, AEA Missions Coordinator

The essentials of our Christian faith are based on four truths: The first one is that those who serve the Lord must put their full trust in Him and remain faithful to His word.
According to Hudson Taylor, the missionary to China and the founder of Faith Missions, “God’s work done in God’s way and at God’s time, will never lack God’s provision”. So we must always seek for God’s direction in our ministry duties. And thus, God’s Word, should be the guide and companion for every Christian worker.
We must understand that, God’s written Word is inerrant and authoritative in all aspects of a Christian life. When we read it, and internalize it (apply it to our situation and life), it becomes God’s Rhema word- alive and active and powerful. Of great essence is that, the Bible is God’s redemptive plan for His creation which He invites mankind to be a partner in fulfilling it, and that is the basis of our faith.

Read more…


Kenya's Crackdown on Fake Pastors Stymied by Real Ones

By Tom Osanjo, Christianity Today

One of Africa’s boldest attempts to prevent bad behavior within its mushrooming churches has been abandoned.

In 2014, Kenya’s attorney general, Githu Muigai, banned new churches amid a “miracle-faking” spree. Muigai began 2016 by proposing a lengthy list of new reporting requirements, including minimum theological education for pastors, annual membership thresholds, and churches joining an umbrella organization.

At the same time, the Communications Authority of Kenya announced a new policy that banned radio and television preachers from asking listeners to send in money or get saved at the end of their broadcasts. Read more…



The Jubilee Celebrations will be held at Corat Africa and the CUEA Amphitheatre situated in Nairobi’s Karen area in Kenya.
Jubilee Consultation Key Dates

Arrivals: 15th November 2016
Theological Consultation Days 16th-19th November 2016
Launch of the AEA branded African Study Bible/ Jubilee Celebrations 20th November 2016
Departures 21st November 2016

Airport Transfers
Please send your travel itinerary to faith at [email protected] and copy [email protected] as soon as you book or confirm your flight.

  • The registration fee $50 per delegate. 
  • Full board Accommodation + Conferencing + Airport Transfers = $ 70 per person/per night
  • Total Conference Cost = $ 420

Conferencing (Nairobi Residents)

  • Day Rates: Conferencing + Meals = $ 28per person/ per day
  • Total Day Conference Cost = $ 140

Online Registration is now open.  CLICK HERE  to register

See you then!

Gordon-Showell Rodgers Leaves WEA

By WEA Communications

After faithfully serving the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) as Associate Secretary General for the past six years, Gordon Showell-Rogers is leaving the WEA at the end of June to pursue new ministry opportunities. The WEA family is grateful for his contribution to building One Alliance and wish him and his family God’s richest blessings. Read more…

AEA 2016 Prayer Calender

Download the AEA 2016 Prayer Calendar and be part of our prayer movement interceding for our beloved continent.

Download PDF Version Here



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