Join Churches Worldwide on May 21, 2017 to Pray for an End to Famine


More people face famine today than any time in modern history. Unfortunately, this crisis is not hitting the news and the world is not responding quickly enough. The window to deliver life-saving assistance  to more than 20 million people  is closing.

Churches have a prophetic role in calling its members, wider society and governments to make a difference during this unprecedented period of suffering.

The Global Day of Prayer to End Famine on 21 May was created by a broad coalition of more than 70 faith-based organisations, representing more than 1 billion Christians worldwide, to respond to the worst famine crisis of our time.

Join us in prayer.

  1. Commit time to pray for an end to famine in your church and in your family. Find resources here.
  2. Add your church to the map of churches committed to praying worldwide. See what churches are praying.
  3. Share your prayer and actions to social media using #praytoendfamine. Be inspired by what others are sharing here.

Bishop Efraim Tendero, Secretary General of the WEA, states:

“We are experiencing a hunger crisis so large that the United Nations is calling it ‘the largest humanitarian crisis since 1945.’ More than 20 million people in South Sudan, Somalia, Nigeria and Yemen risk starvation. Already, 1.4 million children in these four countries are severely malnourished and at immediate risk of death. Globally, millions more are suffering from drought and food shortages.

“Unfortunately, this crisis is not receiving the attention it needs.

“In the book of Matthew, Jesus also tells us, ‘For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.’

“It is for this reason that the World Evangelical Alliance has joined more than 70 other organisations, representing more than 1 billion Christians, to call for the Global Day of Prayer to End Famine.

“We recognise the urgency of this moment. We believe in the power of prayer. And we hope that our prayers and actions will compel others to respond to this unprecedented period of suffering.

“On 21 May, we call on churches worldwide to join us by committing time to pray for those facing famine, for an end to the violence driving this crisis and for the world to take action.”

Share your prayer on Twitter, Instagram or YouTube using the hashtag #praytoendfamine.

  • Share image of you and your community praying
  • Take a picture of your prayer written out on a paper or even a paper plate
  • Post a video message calling others to prayer
  • Or simply post your prayer for others to see
  • Share how you are converting your prayer into further action to help

Your prayer will then inspire others and join with other prayers worldwide on our virtual prayer wall at

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