The Asia Evangelical Alliance Condemns the Wanton Bombing in Pakistan


The Asia Evangelical Alliance (AEA) condemns the wanton bombing in a public park in Lahore, Pakistan, which killed at least 72 people and injured 341 others on Easter day 27th March 2016.

The dead included 24 children and their parents. They belonged to both Christian and Muslim faiths and had come to the Gulshan Iqbal Park to celebrate Easter on Sunday evening.

The chairman of AEA Rev. Dr. Sang-Bok David Kim stated: "The AEA expresses solidarity with the families of all those whose loved ones died this inhuman attack."

A splinter group of the Pakistani Taliban, Jamat-ul-Ahrar, has claimed responsibility for the attack, saying it had targeted Christians. The group has vowed more such attacks.

Pope Francis, who had in the Holy Week washed the feet of Muslims, Hindus and others, has condemned the Easter suicide attack. He has called upon civil authorities and all sectors of Pakistan "to make every effort to restore security and serenity to the population, and in particular to the most vulnerable religious minorities." The United Nations secretary general, Mr. Ban Ki Moon, has also condemned the attack, calling it an "appalling" act of terrorism.

The AEA appeals to the Pakistan authorities to provide safety to all its peaceful citizens and hopes that Pakistan will be able to bring to justice the perpetrators of the ghastly terror attack. It is a matter of concern that certain militant groups are publicly targeting religious minorities in the country!

The celebration of the historic bodily Resurrection of Jesus from the dead, on Easter day, is a celebration of hope, of meeting our departed loved ones once gain in the presence of God. The resurrection faith also makes us victors and not victims of the evil devices.

Released by:
Rev. Dr. Richard Howell
General Secretary, Asia Evangelical Alliance


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