Business as Mission Think Tank Releases Unique Report on BAM in and from China


The Business as Mission (BAM) Think Tank has recently released its eleventh paper, "Business as Mission in and from China".

China’s astounding economic growth for the last twenty years creates an ideal commercial environment for business as mission (BAM) within China. But the growing church in China also has an increasing involvement in BAM from China. At the same time, as one BAM practitioner in China has noted, “China has one of the largest unreached populations in the world, business is a significant channel for Christians to effectively impact countless people”.

The unique report includes nine case studies: “The business as mission companies profiled in this report tell the stories of many decisions for Christ, the discipleship of new believers, Bible study groups for0med, church leaders trained and local churches added to or planted. These businesses in China have also had an influence through job creation, improved working conditions and benefits, improved standards of living, training up the workforce, imparting biblical values for work and family and challenging corruption, among other things”.

The China report is part of a series of reports. Each paper published in the Think Tank series covers a particular topic or geographical region and has involved collaboration by BAM leaders and practitioners worldwide.

"Over three hundred people have contributed to this project", shares Think Tank Co-Chair Jo Plummer, “We want to enable global connections that result in fruitful collaboration and even more transformation through business."

Topic-focused reports published so far are: Business as Mission and Church Planting, Franchising in BAM, BAM and Human Trafficking, BAM in Hostile Environments, BAM at the Base of the Pyramid and Biblical Foundations for Business as Mission. Geograpically-focused reports include: Mongolia, Iran, Nordic countries, Haiti and the latest, China. The next report to be published will be on metrics for BAM companies, looking at how we can measure spiritual, social and environmental impact, as well as the economic bottom-line.

"These papers are the result of the largest gathering of intellectual and social capital ever in the BAM world, and provide groundbreaking insights to BAM around the world”, says Mats Tunehag, Co-Chair of the Think Tank.

"As a BAM mentor and former business person, I find the repository of knowledge in the BAM Think Tank reports to be an astounding resource that surely can assist every BAM practitioner in many aspects of their business," says Garry, a field-based mentor to BAM businesses.

The Think Tank team plans to continue hosting events, providing resources and enabling networking for the BAM movement in the coming years.

·       Think Tank Reports are available here:

·       Sign up for news and report notifications here:

·       For a complete list of existing and future reports in the BAM think tank series

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