Creation Care Study Opportunity in Belize, Central America

For the first time ever the internationally renowned Creation Care Study Program (CCSP) is inviting Christians from around the world to study at its campus in Belize, next semester–late August to mid-December 2014. A four-month stay with CCSP will allow you to take university-level courses that explore the beautiful rainforests, streams, and coral reefs of Belize, while also exploring issues of biblical faith, justice and sustainable development. Internship experiences also offer hands-on learning with local Belizeans.
During this experience of a lifetime you’ll make new friends from around the world, 
strengthen your faith and learn about God’s remarkable world in new and exciting ways. 

Studying with CCSP in Belize is for anyone who is interested in the theology and practical applications of caring for God’s marvelous creation, be you a student, a recent graduate, a pastor, a missionary, or your average Christian who yearns to grow in their faith. If you can’t commit to an entire semester, then maybe you can come for just a month, or for a course over a few weeks. 
To learn more about CCSP go to our website at, and to learn more about CCSP’s courses in Belize go to this link. All courses are taught in English. 



For costs and enrollment information 
contact CCSP’s executive director at 
[email protected]

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