International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP) 2014: Don’t Stand in Silence



More than 100 million Christians around the world face persecution daily because they confess Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. These persecuted brothers and sisters in the faith are in urgent need of prayer and help. 

Every year, the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP) gives us the opportunity of joining together with millions of Christians around the world to pray for persecuted Christians.

Over the past year, thousands of Christians in Iraq and Syria have been forced to flee as a result of the atrocities committed by radical Islamists. Elsewhere in countries such as Nigeria scores of Christians have been killed for their faith.

“We are calling on Christians everywhere to stand by these persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ by praying for them and assisting them in any way possible, as commanded in Scripture” said, Godfrey Yogarajah, Executive Director of the Religious Liberty Commission of the World Evangelical Alliance.

The designated date for this year's IDOP is November 9. However, you are free to pray on  November 2 as well.

We invite you to visit the new and improved IDOP website to download special resources designed to help you get involved and also pray effectively for the persecuted.

We urge you to unite in prayer for the persecuted Church, in the spirit that Christ commanded, "For, if one suffers, we all suffer."



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