Asia Evangelical Alliance Condemns Killing of Innocent Christians in Pakistan


The Asia Evangelical Alliance strongly condemns the suicide bombing on Sunday (Sept 22) at the All Saints Church in Peshawar, Pakistan. In the worst ever attack against the Christian community, suicide bombers set off two powerful bombs just as people were exiting the church after the Sunday morning worship service, leaving over 81 people dead and hundred others injured.

This most recent attack is one of the many in a series of attacks on the vulnerable minority Christian community. Previously, a church was bombed in Mardan by a violent mob, widespread targeted violence against Christian homes and churches in Gojra and several instances of Christian being falsely accused in blasphemy cases.

AEA calls upon the government of Pakistan to take all necessary steps to provide adequate protection to the religious minorities in Pakistan and also to ensure that those fuelling such violence are prosecuted. AEA also calls upon the church to pray for healing, peace and security for the Christians in Pakistan, especially for the bereaved families and the victims in this most recent attack.
Issued By

Rev. Dr. Richard Howell
General Secretary
Asia Evangelical Alliance
New Delhi, India

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