Business as Mission (BAM) Think Tank Publishes the First of Over 30 Reports


By Mats Tunehag, Co-Chair, BAM Think Tank

The purpose of the Global Business as Mission Think Tank has been to invigorate the global business as mission movement, to equip and encourage those who want to serve God and the common good in and through businesses – among all peoples.

To that end we launched over 30 national, regional and international working groups. Some of these groups focused on a particular issue in the Business as Mission (BAM) movement, and others were concentrating on BAM in and from a particular region or country. Each group has produced papers, analyses, case studies, tools and resource directories as a result of this dialogue.

The Think Tank project has resulted in a massive global gathering of both intellectual and social capital for the BAM movement. In addition to the written materials, we have built networks and have gathered together in person at the Leaders Forum and at the Global Congress on Business as Mission, both held in Thailand in April 2013. The intention is to now share and disseminate these gathered resources as widely as possible.

Each report to be published is one in a series of papers from the 30 plus working groups. Hundreds of leaders in the BAM community, from every continent, have contributed to these reports that will be released from early October onwards. The first two reports are:



In 2014 we will publish a comprehensive BAM 2.0 paper, a follow up to the Lausanne BAM Paper and BAM Manifesto of 2004. (The 2004 Paper and Manifesto are available in Chinese, English, Farsi, German, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Vietnamese: click here)

These 30+ reports are not the end or the final destination of the BAM Think Tank, but should rather be seen as important reflections by BAM practitioners and other leaders who will continue to journey together. We need to continue to grapple with issues, and address needs and gaps. Some groups will continue and new initiatives will emerge. The BAM movement is on the move!

It has been a privilege to facilitate this unprecedented and global collaboration over the last two years, together with Mrs. Jo Plummer. Looking back we can see that at times we have achieved less than we have hoped and planned for. But we have also witnessed that God is able to do more than we could have ever imagined.

We pray that these papers, case studies, tools, recommendations and resources would go out widely, and encourage and equip you as well as invigorate the global BAM movement.

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> Historic Global Congress on Business as Mission to be Held in April

> Announcing a Brand New Initiative for the Business as Mission Movement

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